How to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight with Lifestyle Changes
Many people in this day and age are looking for quick-fixes to life's annoying problems, including those extra pounds. Whether it's finances,...
5 High-Protein Breakfasts for Athletes
Whoever said slabs of meat were only meant for dinner probably never made it deep into the playoffs. Take a cue from the pros and try a meat-and-nut breakfast. Packed [...]
Intermittent Fasting: Secrets of Success
Intermittent fasting is not just a diet plan. It's a lifestyle change. It's based on the idea that the human body isn't designed for three full meals a day, every [...]
Why Everything You Think You Know About Carbs Is Wrong
Here’s what you think you know about carbohydrates and the glycemic index (GI). High-glycemic carbs (like white breads, white pastas, and sugary candy) go through your body and reach your [...]
Metabolic Resistance Training: The New Way to Burn Fat and Build Muscle
Metabolic resistance training (MRT) is a relatively new development in the fitness industry. Metabolic resistance workouts are intense. They don't look like your standard weight-training session, but their results cannot [...]
Top 5 Nutrients to Fight Stubborn Belly Fat
Every year when swimsuit season approaches, millions of people scramble to lose their belly fat. The midsection is one of the most challenging areas to lose weight in and one [...]
Cyclical Bulking: The Muscle-Building Nutrition Strategy
Have you ever gone through a bulking phase and failed to achieve your goal? If you don't bulk correctly, there's a good chance you will end up looking like Santa [...]
Low-Carb Diet Plan
Author's Note: The following article is intended for those looking to lose weight, not for athletes in the middle of their training season. If you are an athlete who wants to [...]
Fast Facts: Intermittent Fasting and the On-the-Go Athlete
Eating six small meals a day instead of three large ones is supposed to be the way to go if you want to "stoke the metabolic fire" and lose weight. [...]
3 Steps to Beat Belly Fat
If you're going to beat belly fat, you need to understand what you're up against. Learn all the factors that come into play and why that pinchable roll of fat [...]