Is Juicing a Healthy Diet Plan?
Juicing is currently one of the most popular fitness fads. If you've watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead or read any articles in the media, you might have been tempted [...]
The Truth About Post-Workout Carbs
Debate rages on in the nutrition world over the best type of diet for athletes. However, one thing that is universally agreed upon is that consuming carbs post-workout is critical [...]
Why Intermittent Fasting Is Unsuitable for Athletes
Intermittent fasting is one of the many modern diet trends that are all the rage. A simple Google search yields thousands of articles by advocates claiming outstanding results. Yes, some [...]
Top 3 Reasons to Take Dextrose Post-Workout
Post-workout drinks are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason: your body is primed and ready to take the nutrients you ingest and use them to begin repairing [...]
KISS Your Way to a Perfect Post-Workout Meal
After a workout do you stare into your fridge and pantry, contemplating your options for the most appealing protein/carb/fat ratio (here it is in case you're wondering)? Stop over-analyzing! Use [...]
3 Nutrition Rules for Athletes
Athletes are constantly searching for new ways to lose fat, gain muscle and maximize their training. But they need to stop the quick fixes and diet fads that promise fast [...]
Pre-Workout Food: Fuel Up The Right Way
Any activity that requires energy, whether a hard weightlifting session or a sports game, presents an opportunity for muscle gain and fat loss—but only if accompanied by good nutrition. You [...]
Pre-Workout Snack Options for Athletes With Diabetes
The incidence of diabetes keeps increasing in the population as more and more people are diagnosed with the disease. There are two types: Type 1, in which the body cannot [...]
3 Simple Steps to Losing Fat
Losing fat is as simple as eating less and moving more. The trick, however, is learning what to eat, how much to consume, and when to space out your meals. [...]
Carb Backloading: A Nutrition Hack for Supercharged Performance
Everything you think you know about nutrition may be precisely what's holding you back from achieving your goals. Carb backloading, a dietary strategy in which you reserve your carbohydrate consumption [...]