Building a Healthy Low-Carb Diet for Athletes
The recent popularity of low-carb diet plans for weight loss has presented a challenge for athletes at all levels. Is a low-carb diet safe for athletes? What effect will it [...]
Eating to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness
During your peak preseason training, you might be performing high-impact exercises and workouts twice a day, leaving your body feeling fatigued and sore. During these weeks, your body will suffer [...]
How Protein and Carbs Work Together to Build Muscle
Hormones play a major role in muscle breakdown and their subsequent rebuilding. Different food groups serve to regulate these hormones, and proper timing of fuel intake can help you fine [...]
How Athletes With Diabetes Can Follow a Performance Diet
Many athletes with diabetes are cautious about exercise, fearing a drop in their blood sugars. However, by eating properly and monitoring your portions, you will be able to maintain sufficient [...]
Using Nutrient Timing to Build Muscle and Lose Fat
If you want to build muscle, lose fat and maximize your performance, you have to know what to eat—and when to eat it. Called nutrient timing, this involves eating specific [...]
Superfood Series A-Z: Cinnamon and Cauliflower
In previous superfood posts, we've discussed avocados and beets. This week, we give you two-for-one with the letter C. Cinnamon Technically classified as a spice, cinnamon has been linked to [...]
The Truth About Sugar For Athletes
Athletes of all shapes and sizes need to pay attention to what goes into their bodies, but sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what's being consumed. Sugar is one of [...]
Balancing Your Training Diet
One mistake many athletes make is focusing on one nutrient while missing the benefits of others. For example, when trying to add muscle mass, athletes often focus on protein. Guess [...]