Benefits of Isometric Training
When people think about strength training, they typically imagine large compound movements through extensive ranges of motion i.e., back squat, deadlifts, bench press, etc. Contrarily, what they typically don’t think [...]
Isometric Training Exercises for Wrestling
Isometric training is so often pushed aside for explosive workouts. Instead, wrestlers tend to focus on how fast they can shoot, takedown, or do a technique. That is all good. [...]
Isometrics Training for Athletes. Your Secret Weapon to Strength.
If you want to get results from your training, you should understand how reps work and not just do them. Just performing reps will create strength. However, maximizing your strength [...]
New Strength Training Methods to Boost Cross Country Performance
No longer is running for distance seen as a way to improve your 5K or 10K. Today, coaches and trainers use sprinting, speed, power, and explosive plyometric movements to boost [...]
Why the Extreme ISO Lunge Should Be in Your Training Arsenal
If there's one thing that's been a game-changer in improving athletic movement quality and reducing injury rates in my athletes, it's been making Jay Schroeder's extreme isometric training exercises a [...]
How Eccentrics and Isometrics Can Produce Results Your Entire Training Career
Most athletes never give a second thought to training tempo. They think about things like load and reps and maybe even exercise selection, but rarely about the speed at which [...]
15 Minutes of Isometrics to Reset Your Body and Leave You Feeling Great
In a fitness world filled with elevation training masks, trendy weight loss teas and increasingly stupid viral gym challenges, I love that isometric holds are one of the hottest topics [...]