Nutrition Plan for Football
Specific nutrient requirements are based on your body size and position. What works for one player may not be the best strategy for someone else. But, all players can benefit [...]
6 Healthy Foods You’re Overeating
When you find a food that’s somehow both healthy and delicious, it's easy to get addicted. It’s not often the foods you want to eat overlap with the foods you [...]
Cooking for the Cavs: Team Chef Shows How LeBron & Co. Fueled Throughout the Finals
Feeding the athletic, calorie-burning behemoths who make up an NBA roster is no easy task. Just ask Terry Bell, team chef for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Bell’s been managing the Cavs’ [...]
6 Best On-the-Go Snacks for Runners
Runners need convenient snacks. Whether you carry something during your run and eat it on the go, or you need something to throw it your bag before a race, the [...]
A Buffalo Meat Protein Bar? STACK Reviews the Tanka Onnit Warrior Bar
There's isn't a ton of variety out there when it comes to protein bars. Most are chocolaty, chalky bricks that are more of a pain to eat than a pleasure. [...]
The Snack That's Always in Isaac Redman's Locker
With two of his team's quarterbacks out with injuries, there's never been more pressure on Pittsburgh Steelers running back Isaac Redman to perform. So how does Redman keep up his [...]
Stretching 101: An Introduction for Athletes
Contrary to popular belief, stretching cannot be an afterthought in your workouts. It's essential to stretch on a regular basis to increase mobility, improve performance and reduce the risk of [...]
Four Fueling Tips to Add Lean Muscle Mass
All athletes want to add lean muscle mass, but to pack on healthy pounds, you can’t just fill your mouth with any and all foods. “You want to make sure [...]
9 Essential Energy and Recovery Foods
Your body works ’round the clock to repair itself. But your hefty workload means you need the right tools available at all times. New York Giants nutrition consultant Heidi Skolnik [...]
Healthy Snacks for Weight Gain
Quality weight gain starts with eating quality carbs and protein via several small meals and a few snacks throughout the day. "If you don't have enough calories, you're never going [...]