Kettlebell Training
The Kettlebell: The Do It All Tool for Athletes
"The Kettlebell is an Ancient Russian Weapon Against Weakness." -Pavel TsatsoulineThe kettlebell, or girya as originally called in Russia, is a much-misunderstood tool. It is so misunderstood that many people [...]
Executing and Implementing the Kettlebell Windmill Exercise Effectively
Among the vast array of movements one can perform with a Kettlebell, a personal favorite of mine is the kettlebell windmill. It is, however, frequently misunderstood and performed incorrectly by [...]
Life Hack: Buy a Medium-Weight Kettlebell
I love my kettlebell. In fact, I still remember how we first met. We were cleaning out the old STACK office when a co-worker announced a kettlebell was up for [...]
3 Little-Known Kettlebell Movements That Tone Your Entire Body
A single medium-weight kettlebell is a fitness Swiss Army Knife. You may already be familiar with kettlebell exercises like the Swing and the Turkish Get-Up. However, those are far from the only [...]
The Kettlebell Snatch
The Kettlebell Snatch, like its barbell cousin, is one of those unique movements that allow the individual performing it to express multiple aspects of fitness simultaneously. Power, strength, coordination, stamina, [...]
Which Squat Should You Do? All or Just One?
The squat is a classic staple exercise when it comes to strength training. If someone said, quick name a strength training exercise, you would probably say squats. Squats are great [...]
The Windmill Exercise: A Perfect Screening Tool
The Windmill exercise is the perfect movement to share with your clients. Typically, it will be programmed as a warm-up, mobility drill, or tertiary activity to compliment your primary lifts. [...]
Quick Cues to Clean Up Your Kettlebell Swing
Twenty years ago, you'd be hard-pressed to find an American familiar with a Kettlebell Swing. Today, it's almost as ubiquitous as the Push-Up. However, like the Push-Up, the Kettlebell Swing [...]
Kettlebells: What They Are and Why You Should Train With Them
Tour any modern gym and you're bound to stumble upon a section littered with kettlebells. A kettlebell looks like a cannonball with a handle. They come in all sorts of [...]
4 Ways to Make Kettlebell Swings More Difficult
Kettlebell swings are a great exercises to build the glutes, hamstrings, and posterior chain in general. If you are working out in a commercial gym you...