Run Downhill for Bulletproof Knees
We've all heard it – uphill is the hard part, downhill is the easy part! Years ago, a friend mentioned that downhill running is not so easy. That didn't make [...]
Training Knees Over Toes: Is it Good or Bad For Your Knees?
In the past, many people believed that allowing the knees to go beyond the toes during exercises like squats or lunges was terrible for the knees. Knees over the toes [...]
Do You Have Knee Issues When Performing Squats? Try These Knee-Friendly Exercises
Finding the right exercises can be difficult if you're struggling with knee pain. Many exercises, like squats, can exacerbate and worsen it. The pain in your knees can be overwhelming, [...]
How to Run Forever
I often get this question: "Doc, does running hurt my knee?" The answer is no. Injury hurts your knee. If you have healthy knees, you can run forever. If you [...]
Top 3 Exercises to Relieve and Prevent Knee Pain
Knee injuries and knee pain plague athletes and the general population, alike. Knee injuries can be caused by multiple factors, such as traumatic injuries, overuse injuries and non-contact injuries. One [...]
Justin Gatlin Reveals the No. 1 Sprinting Mistake Slowing Down Young Athletes
Father Time can’t catch Justin Gatlin. The 35-year-old American sprinter may be one of the oldest athletes in his sport, but he's still chasing down gold medals. Gatlin recently became [...]
Use This Hamstring Exercise to Prevent Knee Injuries and Pain
Knee sucks, A LOT! It can be an absolute monster to train through or around when you are trying to increase lower body strength and size. And...
This Simple Test Will Tell You Whether You’re at Risk for an ACL Tear
Find out if you're at risk for an ACL tear with the drop jump landing test. Often times as athletes we are only concerned with how high we jump or how...
How to Get Faster With Step-Ups
Historically, I'll be honest in saying that I have always advocated against any speed drill that preached more hip flexion or "knee lift," aside from...
You’re Probably Screwing Up The Basic Athletic Stance. Learn How to Fix It
Sometimes, even advanced athletes screw up the most basic skills. Every athlete is taught the athletic position at some point. It might’ve been when they first started playing sports or [...]