Lean Body
The Intermittent Fasting and Strength Training Combo: A Match Made in Muscle-Building Heaven?
Intermittent fasting (IF) and strength training are two popular health and fitness strategies. Individually, both offer numerous benefits, from fat loss to improved metabolism. But what happens when you combine [...]
Use Heavy Sled Pushes to Improve Acceleration
In team sport settings' acceleration is king for high level sports performance. It's typical in field based sports for athletes to intersperse repeat...
‘Show Muscles’ for Strength vs. ‘Go Muscles’ for Performance
Essentials of Strength Training: Show Muscles vs Go Muscles To begin it is important that we look at strength and performance training and define...
Pyramids: A Sprint Workout for the Strong
As the weather gets nice you may decide to head out to the track to get a training session in. When you get there it may come as a bit of surprise to...
Ask the Experts: How Many Calories Should I Eat?
Q: How many calories should I eat? A: Every person needs a different amount of calories each day, so we cannot recommend a single number. However, you can get an [...]
Maintain Muscle Mass During Football Season
Unfortunately, the beginning of the school year and the football season can mark the end of a consistent strength and conditioning program. Some athletes may be celebrating the end of [...]
Why You Shouldn't Treat the Off-Season Like a Vacation
Athletes usually consider the off-season as a period of rest, but this is the time to get strength and conditioning work done! During "downtime," sport-specific activity like practices and games [...]
How to Calculate Your Daily Fueling Needs
At the 2011 NSCA Coaches Conference [which STACK wrote about here], Josh Hingst, director of sports nutrition for the University of Nebraska, presented a session on "Complete Nutrition for College [...]
On-the-Go Morning Meals: Top RTDs
Get a quick and nutritious fill-up on your way out the door with one of these ready-to-drink meal replacements. Muscle Milk Ready-to-Drink Labrada Lean Body High-Protein Milk Shake EAS [...]
Ready, Set, Drink: Top RTDs
You have a 15- to 45-minute window of opportunity, post-workout, to fuel your muscles effectively. Six-time Ironman World Champ and first Hall-of-Famer Dave Scott advocates replenishing your body’s calorie deficit [...]