Madden 25
Battle Bots: Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4
The hotly anticipated showdown between the next-generation Xbox One and PlayStation 4 reaches the U.S. this fall. Both platforms boast better features, improved graphics and more powerful hardware to deliver [...]
Watch the Official Trailer for ‘Madden 25’
Today, Aug. 27, 2013, EA Sports celebrates the 25th anniversary of its Madden NFL video game franchise by releasing Madden 25 for PS3 and Xbox 360. The game will be [...]
EA Sports Ignite Promises Smarter, Sleeker Gameplay
At the Xbox One reveal on May 21, Andrew Wilson, head of EA Sports, announced a "strategic partnership" with Microsoft. Wilson promised four new titles for the Xbox One console, [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Madden 25,’ ‘FIFA 14’ and ‘SimCity’
EA released updates throughout last week. The highlights: Amazon's anniversary edition of Madden 25 comes with a great incentive; FIFA 14 will follow suit with NHL 14; and SimCity has a [...]
Gaming Update: ‘NHL 14,’ ‘Mario 3D’ and ‘Madden 25’
Learn the good and not-so-good news for Wii U owners in this week's Gaming Update. Madden 25 and NHL 14 Skipping Wii U Release Electronic Arts has announced that it [...]
See the Barry Sanders ‘Madden 25’ Cover
After six weeks and more than 40 million votes, fans chose Hall of Fame running back Barry Sanders as Madden 25's cover athlete last week. Sanders emerged from a field [...]
Sports News You May Have Missed: Friday, March 15
“News You May Have Missed” is a periodic roundup highlighting the some of the latest, but not necessarily the greatest, happenings in sports. Courtesy: Fast Company “These shoes [...]