Max Out
Gold Medalist Gable Steveson Says Max Lifting is More Risky Than Rewarding
Gable says his success in wrestling is not from max lifting like many athletes do.
For Young Athletes, Getting Stronger Is Almost Always a Good Idea
"How do your athletes get such great results?” It’s a question I hear often. We had 12 All-County athletes, seven All-State athletes, two New York State Players of the Year, [...]
5 Tips to Combat ‘Ego Lifting’ and Build Legit Strength
Since you're already on this website, chances are I don't need to convince you of the value of heavy lifting. However, although strength training has a myriad of benefits for [...]
4 Hacks to Make Your Muscle-Building Workouts More Effective
It takes a lot of commitment to go to the gym or weight room and give your best effort. Many people, be them athletes or average Joes, share a common [...]
Set a PR Today With This Amazing Method From a World-Class Weightlifting Coach
Everyone loves the rush of setting a personal record. There’s nothing like the feeling of moving the most weight you’ve ever moved in your life on a Squat, Bench Press, [...]
How Your Tongue Position Can Instantly Make You Stronger
When we think about getting stronger, our mind normally drifts to the capabilities of our glutes, quads, pecs, lats, etc. One area it usually does not go? Our tongue. Yet [...]
Is Doing Too Many Reps Killing Your Strength and Muscle Gains?
A common misconception in strength training is that lifting to failure is the ultimate way to get bigger and stronger. After all, that's what hurts most and feels hardest. And [...]
Heavier Isn’t Always Better: How the Force-Velocity Curve Impacts Your Training
As coaches, we see the same old story play out in our trainees—the guy who always puts too much weight on the sled, the woman who grabs the heaviest battle [...]
Why Upper-Body Eccentrics Are an Awesome Way to Build Muscle and Protect Against Injury
Eccentric exercise training is a great tool to develop foundational strength and tendon stiffness in athletes. Eccentric movement, in its simplest form, is the reverse muscle action to concentric movement. [...]
Testing Your One-Rep Max? Try This Surprising, Science-Backed Trick to Move More Weight
Over the past two decades, the amount of research on post-activation potentiation (PAP) has skyrocketed. Most proven PAP protocols utilize a heavy strength exercise (for example, Barbell Squats) followed by [...]