Turbocharge Your Sprinting Speed With This Simple Running Drill
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line and this usually means it is the fastest. According to Geoffrey Dyson in The Mechanics of...
2 Common Workout Mistakes That Increase Your Chance of Injury
Building Muscle and getting strong is a crucial aspect of maximizing your athleticism, but if what you do in the weight room leaves you injured, all of...
Why Do Some Athletes Suffer Sports Injuries More Than Others?
There wouldn't be a day in the clinic where a therapist isn't asked or hears the question as to "why am I injured?" and often any response is then...
Improve Your Pitching Accuracy With These Core Exercises
A baseball pitcher with clean, efficient mechanics is a stronger candidate for major league success. Delivering an accurate, fast baseball pitch...
Build Explosive Strength and Power With These Eccentric Exercises
If you're looking for a strength training method that not only maximizes power and size but also corrects form and function, then it's time to...
Blake Griffin Learns Running Mechanics From Olympic Sprinter Carmelita Jeter
As part of a series with Red Bull called "The Crossover," in which L.A. Clippers star Blake Griffin explores various types of cross training across multiple sports, Griffin recently trained [...]
Do Squats Actually Make You Faster?
We've all been told that in order to sprint faster, we just have to get stronger and squat and power clean more. But is this really the case? Here's a...
16 Common Causes of Sports Injuries
Sports are unpredictable. Anything can happen on the field, including injuries. And although sometimes athletes get hurt through something totally unforeseen, a number of injuries are rooted in a list [...]
How to Shoot a Basketball for a More Accurate Shot
What's More Important the Make or the Mechanics? All across the country in gyms everywhere there are basketball players shooting basketball trying to...
How Your Deadlift Max Will Make You Faster
To get faster, you need to get stronger. This may fly in the face of everything you’ve heard about speed training, but put simply, strong athletes are fast athletes. It [...]