Fastpitch Softball: Pitch Count Tips
You do not hear much about fastpitch softball pitching limits. The motion is believed to be low impact or a natural motion therefore does not require a...
Why Athletes Must Increase Absolute Speed
Looking to increase your explosive speed training? Follow this simple prescription.. Simply defined, power is strength in hurry; or as the formula is...
‘Metal Gear Solid V’: Kojima Reveals New Details
In an interview with Game Informer, Konami's Hideo Kojima revealed new details about the highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The game has been a mystery for some time, [...]
The Truth About Female ACL Injuries
Hands down one of the largest problems facing the female athlete is the female ACL injuries. Female athletes have been plagued with ACL problems as long...
Improve Your Curveball With These Tips and Drills
Like any other pitch, if you want to improve your curve ball takes dedication and attention to detail. Grip There are numerous ways to hold the...
Why Proper Exercise Form Is Crucial for Youth Athletes
With all of the different training tools and exercise choices at their disposal, there's no arguing the fact that today's athletes are becoming...
Is CrossFit ‘Destroying the World?’ 10 Tips to Make Sure It Doesn’t
Nothing captures the spirit of the recent onslaught of criticism and unease over CrossFit, an intense strength and conditioning program now enjoying global popularity, more than a line on the [...]
Get Fit Like U.S. Special Forces
Soldiers don’t graduate from Special Forces training as much as they survive it. Army Ranger School loses a fourth of its class in the first four days. More than 75 [...]
Training Tips to Prevent Basketball Injuries
Basketball injuries can derail a season. A quick search of NBA injuries will reveal a multitude of knee and ankle injuries. As the season wears on...
Master the Perfect Two-Hand Touch For Your Turkey Bowl
Forget what you thought you knew about taking down a ball carrier in a game of two-hand touch football. This new tackling technique will revolutionize the way defense is played [...]