Where the Paleo Diet Falls Short
Has the Paleo diet missed its target? According to Dr. Robert Portman and Dr. John Ivy, sports nutrition experts and authors of the book, Hardwired for Fitness, the Paleo diet [...]
Ultimate Leg Exercises with Weights
Going through the motions for most people is where they find themselves on a weekly basis in their current health club. Walk in, grab a towel, sweat,...
CrossFit Competition Workout for Your Legs
Anyone that has ever competed in the grueling Crossfit competitions, whether local, or a national level, an understanding for leg strength is respected....
4 Better Alternatives to Burpees
The thought that burpees were once the best all around exercise is now coming to an end. Top strength coach Jason Ferruggia stated, "You lift weights to...
Losing Weight Without Going to Extremes
Eating healthy foods and avoiding burgers and ice cream—good nutrition practice, but not necessarily an effective weight loss program. You might lose a few pounds in the beginning, but you could [...]
Tighten Your Abs with Interval Training
Losing weight around your midsection is not easy. You can do a thousand Crunches a day and not see much improvement.Why? Because you burn calories throughout your body, not just [...]
Metabolic Resistance Training: The New Way to Burn Fat and Build Muscle
Metabolic resistance training (MRT) is a relatively new development in the fitness industry. Metabolic resistance workouts are intense. They don't look like your standard weight-training session, but their results cannot [...]
Why VO2 Max Is Important for Athletes
Endurance is essential in almost every sport. And as a strength coach, it's your job to prepare your athletes for the demands of their sport. So you need to understand [...]
4 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight
Metabolism is the rate at which the body turns carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy for fuel. A healthy metabolism is essential whether you're trying to lose weight or just [...]
Why the Number of Meals You Eat Per Day Doesn’t Matter
Photo by Anjan Chatterjee/ Nutritionists love to say, “diet is a four-letter word.” In reality, diet is a 10-letter word: misleading. The biggest problem with maintaining a good [...]