Nutrition Consultant
How is Your High School Sports Nutrition Routine?
Routines, we all have them. Whether they’re planned or not, we as humans operate to find some sense of order or purpose daily. We seek structure, and with structure comes [...]
Perfecting the Timing of Nutrients Pre and Post-Competition to Supercharge your Energy
Just like your car needs fuel to drive and go distances, your body needs to do the same. For example, you need the fuel to perform for 90 minutes of [...]
Four Fueling Tips to Add Lean Muscle Mass
All athletes want to add lean muscle mass, but to pack on healthy pounds, you can’t just fill your mouth with any and all foods. “You want to make sure [...]
How to Eat Healthy With Fast Food
Arby's, Burger King, Carl's Jr., Dairy Queen, Hardee's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Long John Silver's, Quiznos, Wendy’s, White Castle—the list of fast food restaurants goes on and on. Face it: fast [...]
Drink Cold Fluids During Workouts
Does fluid temperature impact performance? Perhaps, suggests a study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. While sweat is your body’s natural cooling mechanism, cold fluids [...]
Shin Protection
Whether your tennis goal is to earn a starting spot on your high school squad, lock down a scholarship or make it to the bright lights of the ATP Tour, [...]
Gulping vs. Sipping
Downing H2O throughout the day is one wise way to keep our bodies hydrated. However, according to Leslie Bonci, the Pittsburgh Steelers nutrition consultant, "It's not just what we drink, [...]
A Fast and Healthy Breakfast
March Madness isn’t the only reason to celebrate this month. It’s also National Nutrition Month®, sponsored by the American Dietetic Association [ADA]. Stay healthy and game-ready with this quick [...]
Gaining Weight the Healthy Way
Natural, healthy, weight-gaining supplements that don’t come in pill-form or in a bottle: where do you find ’em? Inside your fridge. Here, Susan Kleiner, RD, Ph.D, former nutrition consultant to [...]