Performance Coach
The Aerobic-Anaerobic Connection: Building a Strong Foundation for Peak Performance
The integration and function of the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems are crucial in fitness and athletic performance. A solid aerobic base enhances endurance and elevates the threshold at which [...]
Coaches Can Maximize the Impact of Their Feedback by Saying Less
Swedish psychologist Anders Ericsson said that deliberate practice (meaning practice that maximizes learning) requires certain elements. One of those crucial elements is immediate feedback. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean it [...]
11 Questions Every Athlete Should Ask Their Strength Coach
Use these eleven questions as guidelines for what to look for in your hiring process, or for a way to make sure your current trainer is truly right for you.
3 Steps to Help Young Athletes Get Fast, Faster
If you train athletes, then you know Ball is Life. That's to say playing the sport is frequently prioritized over-preparing to play the sport. Of course physical preparation increases performance [...]
How Strength Coaches Can Overcome Sales Objections
What Motivates Us to Buy?
How to Choose the Right Private Coach for Your Youth Athlete
With the rising popularity of private sector training, there are more training options than ever before, and the decision to hire a coach is not to be taken lightly. The [...]
3 Things Strength Coaches Demand of Athletes Yet Often Forget Themselves
As coaches, we should always be searching for ways to help our athletes. Whether it be offering some much-needed advice, helping them break down game film or providing support when [...]
20 Coaches You Need to Follow on Social Media in 2020
As 2019 winds down, it’s a good time to reflect on the past 12 months to see how much you've changed. 365 days. That seems like such a long time, [...]
Are We Building Better Athletes or Just Weight Room All-Stars?
The field of strength and conditioning is at a pivotal fork in the road. In an industry obsessed with appearance and weight room PRs, every coach, athlete and individual entering [...]
The Weird Sprinting Cue That Actually Works
A coach can scream sprinting cues until they're blue in the face, but unless their athletes are being timed, it likely won't make much of a difference. Elite strength and [...]