Power Training
Do you want Tyreek Hill’s Speed, Power, and Explosiveness?
Strength training is crucial for developing speed and explosiveness because it enhances the body’s ability to produce and absorb force. To be fast like Tyreek Hill is not just following [...]
Off-Season Football Strength and Power Training Program
The off-season is a critical period for football players to recharge and rebuild. While the intensity of on-field practices might lessen, training should not stop entirely. This is the time [...]
Spring Training Strength Program for Baseball Catchers
The job of a baseball catcher is different from the other players on the team. Catchers must do a lot of squatting for long periods of time, which is physically [...]
Preseason Training Program and Routine for Baseball
The off-season is the time to create and peak your strength, not pre-season. Preseason is when speed, explosiveness, and power use peak strength developed in the off-season.Preseason ProgrammingIn the off-season, [...]
Why the 2,000-Meter Row May Be the Most Killer Fitness Test Ever Created
Rowing Machine Training The rowing machine is a killer workout. Training on a rowing machine activates 85 percent of the body’s musculature and can get your heart pumping in a [...]
5 Simple Exercises to Improve Your Soccer Skills
Here are five tips (and 5 accompanying exercises) for soccer players to elevate their game in the weight room.
4 Exercises to Build True Lacrosse Power
What do you get when you mix a forward in soccer, with the dynamic movement of a running back and the ballistic actions of a homerun king? You get an...
The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes
Despite my job title as a strength and conditioning coach, I care far more about power than I do strength. Whereas strength is the ability to exert force, power is [...]
What are Jump Squats, And Why Should I Do Them?
Athletes in all sports need power. This is about exerting force quickly. This is important for sprinting, changing directions, throwing, hitting, kicking, passing, catching, etc. In the weight room, the [...]
Can You Really Build Endurance and Strength Simultaneously?
If there’s one thing that CrossFit has shown us, it’s that humans can demonstrate respectable levels of both strength and endurance at the same time. Athletes who compete in sports [...]