6-Week Soccer Goalkeeper Workout
There's a misconception that because goalkeepers aren't moving up and down the field/ice as much as other players that they might require less...
Progression Does Not Require Complexity
In our constant efforts to find the next great training hack or trick that might elevate our performance, it can be easy for us to mistake complexity for progress. In [...]
Can You Do 5 Chin-Ups?
Every athlete should lift weights. Every athlete from every sport can reap benefits from resistance training. Lifting weights consistently with progressive overload over time builds strength. That is the foundation [...]
The Biggest Mistake in Youth Strength Training Programs
Between the few hundred junior hockey players I've coached over the past years, I've noticed a common trend that keeps repeating itself like a horrid...
The 6 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Your Upper Body
Bodyweight exercises can be a great option while traveling if you're short on time or after heavy strength work to build strength and size.
Why You Should Build Strength During Your Sports Season
How should you train to make consistent strength gains during a long competitive season?
5 Basic Movements Every Youth Athlete Needs to Learn Before Lifting Heavy Weight
Whether you're a trainer, a coach, or just an avid exerciser, you've more than likely seen a high school athlete in the weight room with a deadlift...
5 Simple Exercises to Improve Your Soccer Skills
Here are five tips (and 5 accompanying exercises) for soccer players to elevate their game in the weight room.
7 Safe and Effective Bodyweight Exercises for Pre-Teen Athletes
A general consensus among health and fitness professionals is for pre-teen athletes to gradually ease into weight training by initially performing multi-joint bodyweight exercises (e.g., Wall Squats, Multidirectional Lunges, Step-Ups, [...]
How Strength Coaches Can Build Effective and Fun Workouts for Young Athletes
Youth strength and conditioning is becoming very popular. Parents and coaches are beginning to realize the benefits of training at a young age. Many of...