Push Press
How Bodybuilding Workouts Can Actually Make You a Better Athlete
The goal of exercise programming for enhanced human performance is to maximize training transfer. Put simply, some exercises provide obvious and direct...
5 Power Exercises to Replace Olympic Lifts
There is no doubt that Olympic lifts are great power exercises for athletes, but they are far from perfect. Learning the technique of these exercises...
WATCH: ‘The Mountain’ From ‘Game of Thrones’ Presses a 418-Pound Log Over His Head, Says It ‘Felt Light’
Logs are heavy. Iron logs created for strongman competitions are even heavier. The one in the video below weighs 190 kg or 418 pounds. The giant man in the video [...]
The Complete Athlete 1-Year Workout Plan: Metabolic Conditioning Phase
The metabolic conditioning programs in this article are meant to align with the other programs in the strength training, speed/agility, and power annual...
The 5 Most Common Olympic Lifting Mistakes And How to Fix Them
Exercise: Power Clean Mistake: Rounded Back One could debate whether this is the most common Olympic lift technique problem, however the reason this...
Exercise of the Week: Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press
Athletes rely on strong shoulders to develop a countless number of skills—like throwing a pitch, smashing a serve or absorbing a hit. Strong shoulder muscles can powerfully move the arm [...]
Amp Your Athleticism the STACK Way
We've spent years obsessing about training, completely immersing ourselves in advice from the nation's top S+C coaches. We've identified and presented hundreds of cutting-edge workouts that are respected by the [...]