A 10 Piece Warm Down Routine for Athletes
When we finish a game or workout, it can be tempting to pack up and hop in the car instead of stretching. The alternative plan is to “do it later,” [...]
5 Essential Strength Exercises for Runners
Running is an excellent way to stay in shape, whether its for general fitness or a specific sport. Not only does it provide stellar physical benefits...
Top 3 Exercises to Relieve and Prevent Knee Pain
Knee injuries and knee pain plague athletes and the general population, alike. Knee injuries can be caused by multiple factors, such as traumatic injuries, overuse injuries and non-contact injuries. One [...]
What Is ‘Quad Dominance’ and Why Does it Affect Almost Everyone?
Balance is a word that gets thrown around a lot in the performance world. For myself, when I talk about someone being balanced, I'm referring to the body existing in [...]
The Best Training Tool to Strengthen Your Posterior Chain and Prevent Knee Injuries
Most gyms don’t have a Glute Ham Developer, or GHD. If your gym does, it’s likely misused, underused or not used at all. That’s a shame, because the GHD might [...]
This Drill From Giancarlo Stanton Might Be The Most Brutal Lower-Body Exercise We’ve Ever Seen
Giancarlo Stanton is a terrifying athlete. The 6-foot-6, 249-pound New York Yankees outfielder launched 59 home runs and totaled 132 RBIs in 2017 en route to the NL MVP award. [...]
Build Incredible Functional Strength With The Single-Leg Zercher RDL
Functional lower-body strength is a key part of completing daily activities. The ability to perform movements off a single leg without struggle or strain is a wise goal [...]
Try the Couch Stretch for Tight Quads
As an athlete, you use your quads a lot. They’re active every time you sprint, change directions, jump up for a ball, lunge or squat. Combined with our habit of [...]
Why Swimmers Shouldn’t Overtrain Their Quads
You have to propel through the water faster than the other swimmers, so you work harder on your quads and arms, right? Wrong. Swimmers love to train...
Why Strengthening This Muscle May Fix Knee Pain
A big, strong VMO is associated with bodybuilders who desire defined, sculpted quads. If you're an athlete, your VMO doesn’t need to look like it's bursting through your skin, but [...]