Reaction Time
Unleash Your Inner Speed Demon! Baseball Speed and Agility Training.
Mastering the diamond requires more than just a swing and a glove. Speed and agility are the secret weapons that separate good players from exceptional ones. By diligently incorporating the [...]
Connecting the Weight Room to the Field: Small Changes Make a Big Difference
Believe it or not, motor learning and skill acquisition don’t have to end on the field. With some simple tweaks to our training, we can bring many of those principles [...]
Do Power Naps Actually Work?
For most people, the word “nap” conjures images of drowsy toddlers and sleepy seniors.
We Tested JAWKU Speed, a Wearable Designed to Make Athletes Faster
Athletes already know they’re active. It’s why devices that simply track the number of steps taken or stairs climbed in a day might not be all that appealing to them. [...]
Watch Odell Beckham Jr. Show Off Crazy Quickness and Reflexes With His Tennis Ball Reaction Drill
Odell Beckham Jr. makes the impossible look pedestrian. The 5-foot-11, 198-pound New York Giants receiver has unbelievable reactions, hand-eye coordination and focus, allowing him to pull off catches few others [...]
How a Set of Flashing Lights Is Revolutionizing the Way Elite Athletes Train
The tool that’s revolutionizing athletic training looks like the offspring of a Simon board. It’s a series of small black disks, each capable of lighting up in six different colors. [...]
Could This Non-Prescription Sleep Aid Be Your Key To Improved Focus And Performance?
Not getting enough sleep can have disastrous consequences. The scary part is that most Americans are feeling those consequences at this very moment. According to renowned sleep expert Dr. James [...]
Improve Upper-Body Speed and Power With Boxing Pad Work
Where I live in the UK, I have seen a raise in the number of academy level clubs participating in boxing training and more specifically, pad work. Bad...
Why All Athletes Should Try Ping Pong
A few years ago, I was pretty good at table tennis (or ping pong—whatever you want to call it). My brother and I could rally back and forth at a [...]
Exercise of the Week: Reactive Tennis Ball Shuffle
STACK Exercise of the Week helps you improve your overall sports performance—including strength, speed, conditioning and flexibility. The Exercise Reactive Tennis Ball Shuffle Who's Doing It Peyton Manning, All-Pro QB [...]