Rotator Cuff
Don’t Overlook These Body Parts In Your Training
We all know the stereotypical meathead with a massive upper body and an unimpressive lower physique, which we attribute to him/her avoiding leg day like the plague. While neglecting an [...]
Quarterbacks: 4 Tips to Keep Your Throwing Shoulder Healthy
Quarterbacks need to take care of their primary athletic weapon—their throwing shoulder. A strong shoulder can produce powerful and accurate passes, while reducing the risk of an injury from a [...]
The 5 Most Common Weak Spots in Athletes (and How to Fix Them)
You already spend lots of time training the obvious muscles. You know, the ones that look good in the mirror. But in the process, you might be missing the weak [...]
6 Best Rotator Cuff Exercises For Young Baseball Players
One of the biggest problems I see in young baseball players is a lack of rotator cuff strength, which can leave their shoulders more susceptible to injury. The solution would [...]
Get the Most Out of Your Winter Baseball Workouts
If you're a baseball player who also plays a fall sport, you know how difficult it can be to transition to baseball training once your fall sport is over. Baseball [...]
3 Tips to Maximize Your Off-Season Baseball Training
As summer ends, so does the season for many baseball players. This changing of the seasons also marks the beginning of off-season baseball training for...
6 Common Training Mistakes Tearing Up Your Rotator Cuff
Rotator cuff training is boring. It's like the broccoli of lifting weights; you know you should eat some, but you'd rather just skip to dessert (which in this case is [...]
3 Factors to Consider When Training Swimmers
When you think of athletes who strength train, swimmers probably aren't the first ones who spring to mind. However, every athlete can benefit from strength training. Strength training can increase [...]
Combat Shoulder Pain With This One Simple Exercise
Whoever developed the blueprint for the human shoulder joint didn't really have stability in mind. Take a look at an anatomical view of the shoulder joint. You'll likely see something [...]
How to Handle an Acute Injury While Training
Working out is supposed to make you stronger, healthier and feel better. But it’s also an activity that can leave you vulnerable to injury. You’ll be working with heavy equipment, [...]