Setting Goals
5 Things I Wish I Could Tell Every Gym-Goer
I've been training for over 20 years. I've worked professionally in the fitness industry for nearly as long. Over that time, I've been in a lot of gyms and watched [...]
Why a Hard Workout Isn’t Always a Good Workout
We live in a society that often equates "more" with "better." Going overboard is engrained in American culture, and our approach to fitness is no different. When talking about training, [...]
Why ‘Autoregulation’ Is Your Easiest Path to Better Workout Recovery
Although not as exciting as the latest training program or nutrition strategy, recovery is a pivotal part of athletic development. Overtraining, under-sleeping and over-stressing can all lead to poor recovery [...]
How to Safely Return to Training After an Injury
return to training As athletes, most of us are going to experience that universal unpleasant inevitability: injury. Sure, there are those few...
3 Unconventional Training Goals You Should Set This Year
3 Training Goals YOU should Make in 2016 Lee Boyce I don't like New Year's Resolutions. The turn of the year usually results in some of the most drastic...
‘Spartan Up!’ by Joe De Sena Shows How to Overcome Obstacles in Sports and Life
Joe De Sena, the CEO and c0-founder of the popular Spartan Race, has written a book beneficial to athletes and anyone else looking to transform themselves to succeed: Spartan Up!: [...]
Make Goals, Not Deals
We all know athletes who can just show up and perform well. A runner/cyclist friend of mine is one of them. He's skilled enough to compete in basically anything he [...]
Reach Your Potential With Goal-Setting Techniques
Are you confused about how to focus your training to achieve results? You know that setting goals, a popular sport psychology practice, is used by hundreds of athletes to drive [...]
New Foot Locker/adidas Commercial for the adiZero Crazy Light: "The Difference"
Foot Locker and adidas have teamed up to produce a new commercial, called "The Difference." The 30-second spot—featuring 5-time NBA All-Star Dwight Howard, NBA guards Eric Gordon and Jrue Holiday, [...]
Are Your Goals SMART Enough?
Want to achieve the impossible? Take the first step by setting the right kind of goals. Jessica Mohler, sport psychologist at the U.S. Naval Academy, encourages soldiers and athletes to [...]