Shoulder Joint
Exercises to Do When You Have Sore Shoulders
First and foremost let me say this, there is a difference between being hurt and being sore. Althetes who believe that their shoulder issue could be a...
Try This: Half-Kneeling Single-Arm Landmine Overhead Press
A pair of strong shoulders can round out an impressive upper body and enhance an athlete's performance. One of the best ways to increase shoulder strength and size is by overhead [...]
The Most Underutilized Piece of Equipment for Healthy Shoulders
Since it does so much pushing, pulling, throwing and lifting, both in everyday life and in the gym, the shoulder joint takes a beating. And since it has the largest [...]
Weak Link Training: Shoulder Stability
When you want something bad enough, nothing stands in your way. But to stay on the field throughout a long season, you must identify your body's weak links. Neglecting to [...]
Perfect Running Form Checklist and Tips
No matter how fast you are, running in perfect form is the only way your body will be able to achieve top speeds. Run efficiently without wasting energy and prevent [...]
How to Strengthen Every Shoulder Muscle
Strengthening the shoulders should be a critical aspect of any workout program. However, many athletes make the mistake of failing to work their entire shoulder joint. The shoulders are made up [...]
Develop a Sound Workout Program to Start the New Year
After ringing in the New Year, it's likely that you are setting goals and making resolutions. This is a great time to refine your workouts to help you achieve superior [...]
An Unconventional Shoulder Workout
Are heavy Overhead Presses and Dumbbell Presses the linchpins of a conventional shoulder workout? That's what we've always been told this, and for many years I trained with that in [...]
Build a Speed Ladder Drill Progression
For most training and many sports teams' facilities, the speed ladder has become an essential tool. The speed ladder gives coaches the ability to develop coordination, foot speed, agility and overall [...]
Improve Arm Strength and Prevent Injury With These Pitching Workouts
For many years, pitching workouts have widely consisted of long runs and limited weightlifting for shoulder protection. Although conditioning is important, it shouldn't be the basis of a pitching workout. [...]