Shoulder Pain
Why Your Shoulder Pain Isn’t Usually a Shoulder Problem
The common traditional culprits for shoulder pain are the rotator cuff, AC joint and scapula. Many physical therapists, trainers and doctors will look at your shoulder when you have pain [...]
Combat Shoulder Pain With This One Simple Exercise
Whoever developed the blueprint for the human shoulder joint didn't really have stability in mind. Take a look at an anatomical view of the shoulder joint. You'll likely see something [...]
The Best Stretch for Pitchers and Other Overhead Sport Athletes
Shoulder health is on the mind of every pitcher, quarterback, tennis player and other overhead athlete. It supports the explosive overhead skills you perform in your respective sport, but it’s [...]
Build Strong and Durable Shoulders With This Push-Up Progression
You'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't like working their chest. This is great and all, but it leads too many people to overwork their chest. The result [...]