Shoulder Shrug
Don’t Waste Your Time With These 3 Static Stretches; Do These Instead
When it comes to mobility, more is not always better. Flexibility, excessive range of motion and general joint laxity may make you a more limber athlete, but it doesn’t necessarily [...]
2 Shoulder Workouts That’ll Build Bigger Traps
There are various opinions on the best way to train the traps (trapezius muscles). Singling out one specific day or method to train the traps is...
This Shrug Variation Builds Strong Traps, Forearms and Core Muscles
Your trapezius muscles are one of the first things your opponents size up to judge your level of strength. As a competitive athlete, you obviously want to make the kind [...]
Build Big Trap Muscles for More Powerful Shoulders
When I think of big trap muscles, images of mountains rising to the heavens come to mind. Nothing completes the shoulder girdle and upper back like a...
Big Traps May Look Good, But Do You Need Them?
Big trapezius muscles are one of the first areas of the body athletes want to work on. Some guys develop what we call "no-neck syndrome’—their traps get so big they [...]
Increase Tackling Power With Patrick Willis' Homegrown Training Secrets
Patrick Willis’ "homegrown workout" featured the unconventional training methods he employed as a youngster seeking an extra edge on the gridiron. Back then, Willis pressed bricks and concrete blocks, and [...]