Front Squat vs. Back Squat: What’s the Better Choice for Athletes?
I think we can all agree that squats rule. Long gone are the days when we thought squats were bad for our knees or that lifting heavy weights would make...
Complete Full-Year Workout Program for High School and Collegiate Javelin Throwers
If you want to become a better javelin thrower, you need to train to be explosive. Why? Throwers must be able to exert tremendous force in as little time as [...]
Complete Full-Year Sprinters Workout Program
If you want to be the fastest sprinter on the track, you need to be explosive!
Using Strength Training To Improve Your Volleyball Serve
Whether your serve of choice is a floater, jump serve, jump float or just a basic overhand serve, the biomechanical principles are simple. To hit the ball through the defender [...]
The 6 Worst Mistakes Football Players Make in the Off-Season
Size, strength, speed and power are absolutely essential for the game of football. So, football players need to focus their off-season training on improving these athletic attributes. Most football players [...]
Improve Your Lacrosse Power With These Exercises
For lacrosse players, power is the key to playing at a high level. The more power you can generate, the faster you’ll be able to do everything on [...]
How To Do A Kettlebell Snatch
The Exercise The Kettlebell Snatch forces your body to quickly propel a heavyweight over a large distance. It improves your muscles’ ability to fire quickly and produce max strength, which [...]
Tips For Integrating The Snatch and Clean & Jerk
A conversation I frequently have with fellow coaches and colleagues is whether or not weightlifting derivatives are worth the time they take to teach their athletes. At the same time, [...]
Off-Season Football Training for Strength and Power
Off-season strength and power football training is extremely important for success on the field. Football is a sport that requires speed, agility,...
Why the Split Snatch Is My Favorite Lift for Athletes
The Clean (both the squat and power versions) has become the premier lift for those wishing to test or demonstrate power and explosiveness in the weight room. But having watched [...]