Soy Milk
Dairy Alternatives for High School and Youth Athletes
Sales of almond milk and other nuts, oat, and plant-based milks are trending up.
How to Prepare Nutritious Overnight Oats for Busy Athletes
Being a student athlete is all about time management. Balancing your studies, practice, competition and a social life is a full plate. Now add in...
Exciting Post-Workout Shake Recipes
Unique Post Workout Shake Recipes Exploring new and exciting ways to recharge with a unique post workout shake recipe is always interesting to me. For a...
Start Your New Year With These Holiday-Inspired Smoothies
The temperature may be dropping, but smoothie season is year-round. Why not be merry and bright with these holiday-inspired smoothies? They are perfect...
Got (Almond) Milk? How 6 Popular Milk Alternatives Measure Up
We all remember the famous ads from days past, our favorite athletes smiling below white milk mustaches and big letters questioning us, "Got Milk?" Well if those same ads ran [...]
5 High Protein Vegetarian Snacks
Consuming enough protein is one of the biggest challenges for a vegetarian athlete. For vegetarians, finding great snack foods with high protein can be difficult; however, spur-of-the-moment snack foods can [...]