Speed And Agility
These 2 Reflexes Will Enhance Your Sprint Speed
Improving your sprint is not just done through sprinting and lifting weights. Optimizing two reflexes is essential to take your sprint up to elite levels. This type of training is [...]
Deceleration-Part 3
In the first two parts of deceleration training, we explored several specific strategies you could implement with literally any athlete to be extremely successful regardless of experience or sport type. [...]
The Importance of Deceleration for Sports – Part 2
In part #1, you were shown some of the foundational reasons why deceleration is so critical to both your short-term and long-term health and performance capacity, and now you will [...]
Increase Your Soccer Speed With 4 Speed Drills
To win soccer games the ability to make plays by running down an attacker is a necessity. Therefore, speed and agility training for Soccer players must...
The Importance of Deceleration for Sports – Part 1
When it comes to staying healthy and performing at an ultra-high level, regardless of the type of sport you compete in, there is zero doubt being able to decelerate properly [...]
Run and Sprint Faster When Your Hips are in this Position
It is not your fault. No one ever showed you the correct hip position. You just run, sprint, and move from your basic instincts. However, let's get you on track [...]
Soccer Players Need to Hit the Brakes
When I played baseball in high school, I always dreaded pre-season conditioning. It was brutal and endless. We did every kind of sprint, jump, and stair running you can imagine. [...]
The Power of Play
It’s been said over the past few years that early specialization is leading to burnout and injury. For instance, this study surveyed specialized youth basketball players who only play basketball [...]
Try These Challenging Cone Drills to Boost Your Speed and Agility
Comfortable spring temperatures are ideal for athletes to exercise in the great outdoors after spending the winter months training inside gyms. Besides reaping the healthful benefits of fresh air and [...]
4 Simple Ways to Build Stronger, More Resilient Hamstrings
Hamstring muscle injuries are extremely common among athletes. They cause significant loss of training and competition time and have a high probability (between 12% and 31%) to recur. A whopping [...]