Ever Heard of Sprint Timing?
I could bet almost no one reading the title above has heard of the word before, unfortunately. The technique was originally popularized by world-class speed coach Chris Korfist. We will [...]
Russian Shock Method- Jump Higher, Sprint Faster Instantly!
To improve speed, power, and explosiveness, you need to practice and train using the shock method.The "shock method" is the foundation of plyometric training, emphasized by Yuri Verkhoshansky. He was [...]
The Absolute Most Simple Way to Get Faster
Forget the Exercise Science DegreeWe are living in a remarkable time in sports. Athletes are bigger, stronger, faster than ever. And this is on a global scale. We see it [...]
Sprint Technique Review #7-Lift
The Lift technique is still practically unheard of, but is valuable and potentially more valuable than any other. This technique takes into account that ground force on the body upon [...]
Sprint Technique Review #6-Front and Backside Mechanics
Front and Backside Mechanics Front and Backside Mechanics refers to the position of the hip, knee, and ankle of the stance leg (front) and swing leg (back) during a sprint. [...]
Sprint Technique Review #5-Multidirectional Control and Stability
Dr. Charlie Weingroff, who has been a huge inspiration and mentor in my professional development, was the first to note this need for speed years ago. The reality is that [...]
Sprint Technique Review #4-Heel Recovery
Heel Recovery isn't revolutionary, but it's definitely, important in the speed world. The vital technique was first brought to the mainstream years ago by the late and great Latif Thomas. [...]
I did this to Sprint and Accelerate Faster! Just like Jerry Rice
Hill sprints are a popular training method many athletes, including NFL players, use to improve their speed and explosiveness. It goes all the way back to Walter Payton, who used [...]
Sprint Technique Review: Part 3-Stride Rate vs. Stride Length Explained
Stride Rate vs. Stride LengthStride Rate vs. Stride Length Speed is commonly said to be the product of running speed. Stride rate is simply the number of strides taken in [...]
Sprint Technique Review: Part 2-Proper Arm Drive
Long live the elbow tuckFor as long as I can remember now, coaches in any sports realm have been advocating keeping the elbows tucked to run faster. Unfortunately, this information [...]