Spring Training Strength Program for Baseball Catchers
The job of a baseball catcher is different from the other players on the team. Catchers must do a lot of squatting for long periods of time, which is physically [...]
Olympic Weightlifting Readiness
This article will go into detail about what an athlete can do to prepare for olympic weightlifting and why they should master the four prerequisite lifts before attempting any cleans [...]
Power Training for Baseball: It’s More Than Olympic Lifts
Baseball players need to be explosive and powerful to throw, hit, jump, run, and change directions. This is so important it has to consistently be addressed in a baseball player's [...]
How to Strengthen the Bottom of Your Squat
A big obstacle for many coaches, trainers, and athletes is attempting to improve the bottom of the squat, so you can maximize your ascent and lift more weight to ultimately [...]
Why the Goblet Squat Is the Best Squat for Young Athletes
It’s the ideal Squat variation to teach young athletes proper squat technique; however it can be used to build strength for everyone.
Front Squat vs. Back Squat: What’s the Better Choice for Athletes?
I think we can all agree that squats rule. Long gone are the days when we thought squats were bad for our knees or that lifting heavy weights would make...
6 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Leg Day Again
“Friends don’t let friends skip a leg day.” Google this phrase and you will see a number of photos showing guys who have jacked upper bodies and twig legs. Here’s [...]
6-Week Soccer Goalkeeper Workout
There's a misconception that because goalkeepers aren't moving up and down the field/ice as much as other players that they might require less...
5 Exercises That Will Increase Your Soccer Shooting Power
It’s the first day of soccer practice to start the new season. All the new and returning players arrive at the pitch. The coach drops a bundle of new soccer [...]
Here’s a 4-Week Strength Training Program Designed for Pre-Teen Athletes
When working with and designing a strength program for youth athletes (ages 13 and under), the goal is to keep it as simple and appropriate as possible for their needs [...]