Dry Land Strength Workout For Swimmers And Divers
There is no doubt that to improve one’s performance in the pool. Whether it is powering through laps or perfecting flips off the diving board, you need to practice in [...]
Should Swimmers Warm Up in the Water or on Dry Land?
As with any sport, there are a million ways to prepare for competition. The ideal warm-up for swimmers is especially difficult, as there are two radically different surfaces to consider. [...]
Helpful Tips for Parents of Swimmers
It's rewarding being a parent of a young athlete, especially if you're a parent of a swimmer. However, it can be tough guiding your child through the waters if you [...]
The Importance Of Cross Training For Youth And High School Athletes
As sport’s seasons quickly become year-round, it can be easy to forget to make time for other activities. Especially ones that make us work in new ways. Spending an entire [...]
3 Exercises to Build Overhead Stability for Swimmers
Overhead Stability for Swimmers