5 Healthy Thanksgiving Appetizers and Side Dishes
The following side dishes and appetizers can offer some healthier options for Thanksgiving dinner
5 Healthy Stuffing Recipes for Turkey Day
One Thanksgiving day meal packs in well over 1,000 calories. If you’re concerned about cutting back here and there, or if you simply want to change things up a bit [...]
The Performance Boosting Benefits of Pumpkin
With Halloween fast approaching and thanksgiving right around the corner, pumpkins and pumpkin flavored foods are everywhere. And that's a good thing,...
The Best Thanksgiving Carb to Eat All Year Round
While mashed (white) potatoes are one of the dishes we most look forward to on Thanksgiving, the sweet potato is a fantastic alternative. According to the Center for Science in [...]
6 Ways to Squeeze In an Effective Workout Over Thanksgiving Break
Time-Saving Tips When In-Season Workout Time Is Limited By Jim Carpentier, CSCS For individual athletes, teams, and coaches, scheduling quality time in...
Why You Should Eat Cranberries This Thanksgiving
Health Benefits of Cranberries for Athletes Now that the holiday season is upon us it's time to break out all the wonderful seasonal foods! One of my...
Your At-Home Thanksgiving Workout
For better or worse, Thanksgiving has become a day to overeat with loved ones. A huge Thanksgiving meal can make you feel sluggish, demotivating you for a workout at the [...]
5 Nutritionists Tell You How to Limit the Damage During Your Thanksgiving Meal
You’re going to indulge on Thanksgiving. That’s an undeniable fact. Heck, it’s a national holiday in which the main event is eating. And the food is delicious from start to [...]
20-Minute Full-Body Thanksgiving Day Workout
Thanksgiving is here! Time for some relaxation, gratitude and a chance to have some quality family time. The best part for an athlete is you finally get...
Burn Off Those Extra Thanksgiving Calories With These Fat-Burning Full-Body Exercises
What is so good about full body exercises? Well in today's world we want everything to be faster. We want our phones to be faster, our computers, weight...