Triathletes Need to Train Less and Lift More
All parents are encouraged to enroll their children in a variety of sports. Most kids do play a sport at a young age. There are the usual suspects of soccer, [...]
Why Triathletes Should Strength Train Every Week
You swim. You bike. You run. However, if you're like most triathletes, you probably don't do much strength training. I believe this to be one of the most common mistakes [...]
How Training Like a Fighter Can Make You a Better Athlete
Every fight we watch, whether it is boxing, MMA, or something else, is won in the gym before either contestant enters the ring. Fights of all kind are a...
How to Choose the Correct Running Shoes for Triathletes
Triathlons are high impact sports that require kit designed to handle the stress of training and racing. Running shoes for triathletes are an important...
What Every Athlete Can Learn From Ironman Record Holder Craig Alexander
A 2.4-mile swim. A 112-mile bike ride. A 26.2-mile marathon run. Just listing the components of an Ironman Triathlon can be enough to make you feel queasy. When it comes [...]
8 Ways to Speed Up Your Triathlon Transitions
Summer is just around the corner, and with it, another triathlon season. You've spent the past couple of months putting in laps in the pool, spins on...
Why Endurance Athletes Need to Deadlift
If you are an endurance athlete, you may think that continuing to practice a particular event for prolonged periods of time will get you to where you...
How To Schedule Your Triathlon Training The Right Way
It is said of war that no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy, and that is just as true when it comes to scheduling a triathlon training...
How to Make Running a Family Event
Some families like to bond by going to the movies or playing board games. Mine goes running. This started back in 2013 when I was 9 years old. My...
5 Signs That You Are Ready For Your First Ironman
Ironman events are more popular than ever, as thousands of athletes prepare to participate in one of the toughest physical events ever. Most athletes...