Does Your Pitching Velocity Dip During the Season? Here’s Why
A high school pitcher trains his butt off during the offseason but stops completely when the season actually begins. I see it all too often. In my opinion, the in-season [...]
Building Elite Soccer Players
Building an elite soccer player does not happen overnight. It's a long process that takes places during critical stages of youth development. Young soccer players learn basic skills and movement. [...]
How the Force-Velocity Curve Relates to Sports Performance
Coaches must ensure that they not only understand the force-velocity curve but also how to practically train each zone within it relative to their athlete’s needs.
Applying Concepts of Shock Training to Pitching: Part 1, The Weight Room
To throw at elite velocities, pitchers must be able to produce a lot of force in a short amount of time. Strength plays an important role in this, but when [...]
Heavier Isn’t Always Better: How the Force-Velocity Curve Impacts Your Training
As coaches, we see the same old story play out in our trainees—the guy who always puts too much weight on the sled, the woman who grabs the heaviest battle [...]
Building Sprint Speed for Soccer Players
During a match, a professional player may run 30 to 40 sprints. These aren’t like a 100-meter dash. Instead, they range from 1 to 4 seconds over a distance of [...]
Velocity-Based Training 101: How Force, Velocity and Power Relate to Athleticism
Baseball is an explosive sport where things happen fast and hard. This requires massive amounts of power, and finding the best methods to get our athletes there is our number [...]
How to Throw Harder: 4 Exercises to Gas Up Your Fastball
The game's on the line. The other team's best hitter is at the plate. You peer in for the catcher's sign, twirling the ball between your fingers behind...
How Jordan Hicks Built a Body Capable of Hurling 105-mph Fastballs
Baseball has a new velocity king, and his name is Jordan Hicks. Hicks, a 22-year-old reliever for the St. Louis Cardinals, threw four of the five hardest pitches registered in [...]
This Single-Leg RDL Variation Will Help You Get Faster and Prevent Injuries
The banded single-leg RDL (Romanian Deadlift) with a row is a great exercise to train the hamstrings, glutes, lower back and lats how to decelerate and...