Vitamin E
4 Tips for Meal Planning
Sunday Food Prep Not knowing what, where or when you are going to eat each day can really limit your options and affect your nutrition. Without a plan,...
3 Great Ways to Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
The feeling is unmistakable. You take that first step out of bed the morning after a tough workout, and as soon as your foot hits the floor, a wave of...
Eat More Dark Foods For Better Health
Photo: Healthyu Darth Vader might have been onto something when he asked Luke Skywalker to come to the dark side. A healthy food that has a rich, dark...
Brain Food
Foods rich in brain-healthy nutrients can help you excel in the classroom and on the field. Try one of these mind-mending items at breakfast to fire up your brain synapses [...]
What to Eat to Stay on the Field this Football Season
Diet for Teenage Football Players: Healing and Maintaining Muscle Foods/Beverages Throughout the Season By Jim Carpentier, CSCS Attention teenage...
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s 4,500-Calorie ‘Hercules’ Diet
Photo via Former Miami Hurricane football star, retired professional wrestler, actor and reality TV show host Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was already known for his Greek god-like [...]
Healthy Steak: Select the Leanest Cuts of Beef
Beef gets a bad rap. People tend to avoid it as an unhealthy alternative compared to white meats and seafood. (But see The Performance and Health Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef) Yet [...]
The Healthiest Oils You’ve Never Heard Of
Oils have a bad connotation associated with them. They are almost pure fat, and they can increase the risk of health issues later in life. However, several oils are actually [...]
Homemade Trail Mix: The Ideal Grab-N-Go Snack
On-the-go athletes can have difficulty finding healthy snacks. Since they should eat every few hours, having options is critical if you want to stick to this plan. Homemade trail mix [...]
Nutrition Guidelines to Optimize ACL Rehab
From surgery to bracing to a combined surgical repair-reconstruction, there are many ways to approach rehabilitation following an ACL injury, depending upon its severity. (See The Athlete's Guide to the [...]