Volleyball Team
7 Tips to Track your Hitters and Boost your Volleyball Defense
There are many aspects of offensive volleyball to watch for as a defender as you attempt to line up your defense to terminate an offensive attack. However, setting up your [...]
The Awesome Coaching Tactic Behind That Incredible Viral Volleyball Play
Odds are, you’ve seen the incredible viral volleyball play that’s been burning up the internet over the last couple days. If not, here you go: [youtube video="N2TspOdrmtE"] That’s Autumn Finney, [...]
This Insane Volleyball Save May be the Best High School Sports Highlight Ever
When you combine awesome athletic talent and unbelievable effort, you can create moments of everlasting sports magic. Case in point, this superhuman play from Autumn Finney: Autumn is not even [...]
Beach Volleyball Legend Phil Dalhausser Reveals What His Job Is Actually Like
For the last decade, Phil Dalhausser has towered over the sport of beach volleyball. He’s won at least one FIVB (international volleyball federation) title in each of the last 11 [...]
Out of Vanuatu: Beach Volleyball Tips from the Pacific Islands
The island nation of the Republic of Vanuatu isn't what you would call an athletic hotbed. Located in the middle of the South Pacific, Vanuatu has a...
High School Boy Too Strong to Play Girls Volleyball
Some high school sports are gender-specific. Boys play football and girls play volleyball. But who says girls can't tackle and boys can't spike? Yonkers (N.Y.) High School student Jensen Daniel, [...]
Develop Drop and Drive Defensive Movements for Volleyball
You’re facing a towering attacker who is killing cross-court shots at an alarming rate. The only thing standing between her heat-seeking missiles and the floor is, well, you. Rather than [...]
Tap Into Crucial Summer Training With Ball State Volleyball
Summer is the most important training time for female volleyball athletes, says Jason Roberson, strength and conditioning coordinator for Ball State University. “It’s their preseason,” he emphatically states. “If you [...]
Florida Gators' Key Training Tips for Volleyball Players
If you're a volleyball player who chooses not to hit the weights—in fear of turning into a bulky offensive lineman—you should be more afraid of not reaching your full athletic [...]
Sand Training for Volleyball
When school lets out and your varsity duties take a summer hiatus, it’s the perfect time to hit the beach. But if you’re serious about fitness, leave the blanket and [...]