Does Walking With a Weighted Vest Help You Lose Weight?
The first time I saw it, I wrote it off as an anomaly. But then I saw it again. And again. And again. Totally normal people walking around in public [...]
How Women Can Protect Themselves from Being Kidnapped While Running
It is a shame that fitness and health cannot be the primary reason a woman runs. It must be her safety first. When I say safety, I am not talking [...]
How Many Steps a Day Promote Good Health and Keep the Doctor Away?
In 1960, a Japanese company developed a pedometer called, Manpo-kei. When translated, it means 10,000 step meter. The catchy name was specifically used to create enthusiasm for people to purchase [...]
The Benefits of Walking
Walking is often overlooked, especially in the US, as a means of exercise despite it being something that everyone can do for free. Walking can be seen as an inconvenience, [...]
How To Actually Lose Weight By Walking
Once you get up to walking three days a week with 7,000 steps comfortably, try to increase your steps by 300-500 steps each week.
5 Ways to Stay Fit at Your Desk
Spending hours a day in front of a computer is now part of almost every job description. Combine that with a commute, meal times, and entertainment, and...
New Research Shows Aerobic Activity Shortly After Sustaining a Concussion Drastically Decreases Recovery Time
For decades, the prescription for a concussion was rest, rest and more rest. Only once the symptoms subsided should exercise resume. But new research from the University of Toronto shows [...]
New Study Finds ‘Fast Walkers’ Live Longer
Rejoice, my fellow fast walkers. New research from the University of Sydney suggests our habit may help us live substantially longer than our slow-moving counterparts. The findings, which were published [...]
The 4 Best Types of Cardio to Get in Shape Fast
I'm stating the obvious when I say the vast majority don't pay close enough attention to their cardiovascular health. It's importance gets lost in the...
A Workout That Provides the Many Benefits of Running Backwards
I've learned some of the best things from old football coaches and Backwards Running is the all time greatest! I once had shin splints and no matter...