How the Fire Hydrant Exercise Can Improve Your Performance
The Fire Hydrant exercise is extremely popular among those looking for a firmer butt. But just because it's a staple in most “butt lift” videos doesn’t mean that athletes can’t [...]
A Runner’s Guide to Warming Up
Runners are a different kind of human. To many, pounding the pavement mile after mile seems like a death sentence. However, to a competitive runner, those treks on the track [...]
How to Build the Perfect Swim Workout
So you're looking to get a little more serious about training in the pool, or you are looking for some more structure for your time in the water. Here...
The 5 Phases of a Proper Warm-Up
THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION OF THE WARM-UP I’m sure many of you can vividly recall going through traditional calisthenics, or presport stretching routines prescribed by previous coaches and physical education teachers. [...]
6 Things You Should Never Forget to do in Your Workout
I know time is tight, and schedules are full. But when it comes to training, you must understand how to maximize your results effectively without injuring yourself. So don’t forget [...]
Warm Ups for Athletes: 0 to 60 Can Lead to Injury
Whether you’re preparing for a game, practice, or conditioning session, every bout of activity should start with an adequate warm-up because the way you prepare your body can help or [...]
A 10 Piece Warm Down Routine for Athletes
When we finish a game or workout, it can be tempting to pack up and hop in the car instead of stretching. The alternative plan is to “do it later,” [...]
Should Swimmers Warm Up in the Water or on Dry Land?
As with any sport, there are a million ways to prepare for competition. The ideal warm-up for swimmers is especially difficult, as there are two radically different surfaces to consider. [...]
The Windmill Exercise: A Perfect Screening Tool
The Windmill exercise is the perfect movement to share with your clients. Typically, it will be programmed as a warm-up, mobility drill, or tertiary activity to compliment your primary lifts. [...]
Warmups for the Youth Athlete
If you surveyed youth athletes, asking what their least favorite part of practice was, most of them would probably say the warmup. Warmups take a lot of unexciting effort. Young [...]