Watch Dogs
Gaming Update: ‘Titanfall,’ ‘Watch Dogs,’ ‘PayDay 2,’ ‘Assassin’s Creed Rogue’
Titanfall Update Introduces New Modes Respawn Entertainment has released a sixth update for Titanfall, introducing several changes, including a new game mode called "Pilot Skirmish," which allows gamers to play in [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Titanfall,’ ‘Battlefield 4,’ ‘Watch Dogs,’ ‘Destiny,’ ‘Dead Rising 3’
Last week, Xbox 360 gamers finally got Titanfall's first map pack, EA released new information about Battlefield 4's next DLC, Ubisoft addressed the controversy surrounding hidden graphic files, PlayStation gamers [...]
‘Far Cry 4’ Coming in November
Ubisoft has confirmed there will be a Far Cry 4. The news was first reported during the company's earnings conference call last week, in which CEO Yves Guillemot explained that [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Watch Dogs,’ ‘Dragon Age: Inquisition,’ ‘Magic 2015,’ GameSpy Shutdown
Watch Dogs Details of the Watch Dogs Season Pass have leaked. If GameStop's listing is to be believed, the pass will net gamers a single-player campaign featuring a new playable [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Watch Dogs,’ ‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’
Last week, the long-awaited Watch Dogs received a release date and Killzone: Shadow Fall got some free DLC. Watch Dogs Arriving in May The highly anticipated open-world game Watch Dogs will arrive on May 27 for [...]
Sony Announces PlayStation 4 Release Date and Upgrade Program
On Tuesday, Sony announced that the PlayStation 4 will be released Nov. 15 in the U.S. and Canada and on Nov. 29 in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The announcement was part [...]
Gamer Update: PlayStation 4 Games and Compatibility
The list of games gearing up for the PlayStation 4 release grows by the week. Deep Down, Destiny, Diablo III, Drive Club, Final Fantasy, Infamous: Second Son, Kill Zone: Shadow [...]