Whole Body
Why Isometric Strength Exercises Are Perfect for Very Young Athletes
Training with isometric holds has been shown to increase motor unit recruitment, firing rate and overall body control and stability
3 Jammer Exercises to Make You More Explosive
Love the concept of the Jammer training tool but don’t have the equipment piece? Us, too. That’s why we messed around and came upon this one: The Poor Man’s Jammer. [...]
What Are ‘Extreme’ Isometrics? The Excruciating, Extraordinary Bodyweight Exercises You’ve Never Tried
What if I told you there was an exercise that could make you run faster, jump higher and lift heavier, using nothing more than your own body weight? And that [...]
17 Effective Rings Exercises That Build a Better Body
Olympic rings aren’t just for gymnasts. Suspension training has been around for decades, but in more recent years, it's become popular in mainstream gyms. There are even entire facilities devoted [...]
How Long Should You Stick With One Workout Plan?
Program hopping is an epidemic. The temptation to try new things every time you step foot in the gym is at an all-time high. With elite coaches and athletes putting [...]
These Chair-Based Exercises Can Transform Your Body Fast
Though chairs are mainly used for sitting, they can also be used productively and creatively to perform several fantastic exercises. When you can't get to the gym, a chair can [...]
3 Simple Moves to Develop Explosive Power
3 Movements to Development Power Output This is a huge training component for Athletic Performance on and off the training field. What is Power? Moving...
The 4 Best Types of Cardio to Get in Shape Fast
I'm stating the obvious when I say the vast majority don't pay close enough attention to their cardiovascular health. It's importance gets lost in the...
Does Sled Training Actually Develop Core Strength?
Performing heavy sled training (drags and pushes) have been the commonality as of late to show the prowness of one's upper body, lower body and to some...
4 Training Tips to Improve Balance and Coordination
Your proprioception, or sense of physical self, is what allows you to move naturally throughout the world, go through motions, or participate in...