The Importance of Hydration (Even in the Winter)
Did you know that over 60% of our bodies are made up of water? Drinking an ice-cold glass of water on a hot summer day is easy, satisfying to quench [...]
How to Shovel Snow Safely And Get A Good Workout In!
Snow shoveling and removal are intensive. But it can also be a great workout! You don't realize how much your body really is working. You start out cold and end [...]
The Signs and Symptoms of SAD On Athletes
For many athletes, the winter season means managing physical and, sometimes mental challenges.
4 Tips for Bouncing Back from Winter Break
When the holidays hit for athletes in the middle of the season, it can feel like you will lose all of the hard work you’ve put in so far. Coaches [...]
Five Benefits of Exercising Outdoors in Cold Weather
The arrival of winter usually means packed gyms and fitness classes. All of this increases exposure to germs and viruses, wait times for equipment, and gym burnout. The thought of [...]
How to Exercise Outdoors in the Winter Months
During the cold winter months, the body has a different way of regulating. For example, it retains fat. The body knows fat is an insulator and holds onto it and [...]
Winter Soccer Workout to Improve Ball Handling
During the winter, you can improve your soccer ball handling while boosting your fitness.