working out
The Subtle Art of Cueing
Raise your hand if you've heard one of the following before:"Keep your chest up.""Don't let your knees go past your toes.""Squeeze your shoulder blades together."If you've been around a gym [...]
Changing Your Training Routine to Match Your Lifestyle
With the exception of professional players and undergraduates, most sportspeople are time-poor. Travel, work, study, family, and competing all take up time in strangely inconvenient blocks that mess up your [...]
Set Training Techniques for All Athletes
There is currently no shortage of exercises available on the open training market today. Like most things related to the training industry, it's more than safe to say that we [...]
The Kettlebell Snatch
The Kettlebell Snatch, like its barbell cousin, is one of those unique movements that allow the individual performing it to express multiple aspects of fitness simultaneously. Power, strength, coordination, stamina, [...]
Invest in a Gym Membership
Let me just say at the outset that there are three types of people this message is not directed at. Firstly, if your personal resources are limited due to your [...]
How Muscle Irradiation Can Maximize Tension and Increase your Reps Instantly
Don't think of a deadlift as just a deadlift. Or a squat as just a squat. And the same goes for a press, pull-up, and any other exercise you can [...]
Training Over 40
A few years ago, I was scanning social media, and an article jumped out at me – something along the lines of “The Best Exercise Choices for People Over 40” [...]
Demystifying the Deadlift
The deadlift. An exercise that, by name alone, evokes some incredibly strong feelings, having somehow earned an almost mythical reputation. “Never do it. It’s terrible for your back.” “The only [...]
Progression Does Not Require Complexity
In our constant efforts to find the next great training hack or trick that might elevate our performance, it can be easy for us to mistake complexity for progress. In [...]
Benefits of Stretching Every Day
The incredible natural ability of stretching allows us to move and feel better, release stress, and prevent injury. Stretching is like a chain link. It connects the mind and body, [...]