Workout Schedule
5 Tips to Become a Morning Workout Person
Finding the motivation to workout at any time in the day can be tough, but it can be especially terrible to do a morning workout when so many people...
Science Says This Is the Absolute Best Time of Day to Work Out
At this very second, trillions of clocks inside your body are ticking away. Their job is to keep track of time and optimize your body to stay in sync with [...]
5 Training Tips to Get a Great Workout When You’re Short on Time
There are plenty of people in this world who say they want to be fit, but complain that work, family, and other commitments keeps them too busy or...
How Your Body’s Natural Schedule Affects Your Workouts
Keeping your body in tip top shape can require a certain level of planning. You should plan your meals, your workouts and your activity level - but...
Fit Workouts Into Your Busy Schedule With These Tips
We're all busy and have many things going on. Eventually getting overwhelmed is a possibility and we might decide that something will just have to be...
5 Easy Ways to Stay Consistent With Your Workouts
Making our workouts habitual and automatic is the holy grail of high performance fitness. After all, once you make working out a habit no longer do you...
How to Create a Workout Schedule
Celebrity fitness trainers love to throw out admonitions like, "there's no excuse for skipping a workout." Sometimes, though, you have a valid excuse for missing a workout. On some days, [...]
Lower-Body Workout for Bigger and Stronger Legs
Nearly every sport is played on the feet, so athletes must have strong and powerful legs. Yet, many work their upper bodies three days a week and devote only one [...]
4 Scientific Reasons Why Teens Should Work Out
Fitness is about more than boosting your performance and toning your body. In fact, recent scientific studies have revealed many more advantages of working out for young adults—and some will [...]
How to Perform Olympic Lifts, Part 3: Clean More Weight
In this three-part series on Olympic lifting, we explain the correct technique for these complicated lifts. The first two posts focused on Hang Cleans and Power Cleans. Here, in Part [...]