Someone Has Invented a Bracelet That Transfers Caffeine Directly Into Your Bloodstream
Fitness bands are played out. There was a boom in 2014 and 2015, but now it feels like when you see someone rocking one on their wrist, you think, "oh, [...]
What Your Wearable Fitness Tracker Isn’t Telling You
One of the biggest trends in health and fitness these days is wearables — wristbands that keep track of things like your total steps, heart rate, sleep...
Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch Coming in October
Samsung unveiled its first entry in the smartwatch market last week, effectively moving the tech war from the pocket to the wrist. The Samsung Galaxy Gear will feature a 1.63-inch [...]
Previewing the New Fitbit Flex
The Flex is a new fitness tracker from Fitbit, set to launch this month (after a bit of delay on the release date). It's billed as a wireless activity and [...]
Do Superstitions Actually Improve Sports Performance?
Do you have a certain t-shirt or wristband you wear for good luck when you compete in sports? Maybe you eat the same pre-game meal or go through the same [...]
How Active Are You? Find Out With MOVband
How much do you move every day, not counting training and competition? Studies show that even if you're working out at intense levels, you could actually be losing ground in [...]
Thursday Tech Roundup: Nike+ Sportband
In 2006, Nike and Apple teamed up to develop Nike+ technology, which accurately tracks a running workout. The Nike+ system placed a proprietary sensor in a custom-designed shoe. The sensor [...]
5 Top Training Watches
Nike+ Sportband $59, nike.com Specs: Shoe sensor relays pace to watch; USB connection to upload workout to computer; saves 30 hours of workout data Added Feature: Track, review and compare [...]
ID Coach: The Perfect Playbook
Imagine how much you could enhance your game if you concentrated solely on developing your gridiron skills instead of spending hours learning hand signals and more than 100 plays before [...]