Tennessee Basketball Mini Prehab Routine
If you’re building a basketball empire, your instincts tell you to rush the court. But don’t do it. It’s important to relax, even when you want to go for it. Fight your instincts. Instead, appeal to your body’s needs by easing into a rigorous routine. Under the “patience leads to prosperity” leadership of strength and conditioning coach Troy Wills, the University of Tennessee’s basketball team wisely uses three stretching drills to create muscle flexibility and prevent injuries.
Perform Wipers, Scorpion Kicks and Jackknives before every workout or practice. Overall benefits of this mini prehab routine include:
• Increases lower back strength and flexibility
• Develops abdominal strength
• Enhances glute and hamstring strength and flexibility
• Lie on back with feet together and arms extended out to side in “T” formation
• Lift legs and take both feet to right until body forms 90 degree angle; touch feet to ground; then take feet to left side of body in same 90 degree fashion
Sets/Reps: 1×5 each side
Coaching Points: Keep your chest and shoulders on the ground // Squeeze your feet together // Slowly control your legs // Avoid flopping your feet on the ground—use only a quick touch
Scorpion Kicks
• Lie flat on stomach with arms extended out to side in “T” formation
• Lift right leg off ground toward left hand; return to start position
• Lift left leg off ground toward right hand; return to start position
Sets/Reps: 2×5 each leg
Adaptation: If “T” position is too difficult, drop arms to 45 degree angle from shoulders
Coaching Points: Avoid stretching to the point of pain, especially in your lower back region // Always keep your back flat on the ground // Don’t rush each rep // Watch foot into hand while you’re turning over
• Lie on back with legs extended, feet together and arm raised above head
• Bring right hand to meet left foot at center of body just above belly button; return to start position
• Bring left hand to meet right foot at center of body just above belly button; return to start position
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each side
Coaching Points: Keep legs and arms as straight as possible // Drive your opposite hand and heel [the ones not lifting up] against the ground // Use your scapula [shoulder] muscle to lift your arm
Whether you’re driving the lane or raining 3s, do it in the latest and greatest basketball shoes and basketball clothing.
Tennessee Basketball Mini Prehab Routine
If you’re building a basketball empire, your instincts tell you to rush the court. But don’t do it. It’s important to relax, even when you want to go for it. Fight your instincts. Instead, appeal to your body’s needs by easing into a rigorous routine. Under the “patience leads to prosperity” leadership of strength and conditioning coach Troy Wills, the University of Tennessee’s basketball team wisely uses three stretching drills to create muscle flexibility and prevent injuries.
Perform Wipers, Scorpion Kicks and Jackknives before every workout or practice. Overall benefits of this mini prehab routine include:
• Increases lower back strength and flexibility
• Develops abdominal strength
• Enhances glute and hamstring strength and flexibility
• Lie on back with feet together and arms extended out to side in “T” formation
• Lift legs and take both feet to right until body forms 90 degree angle; touch feet to ground; then take feet to left side of body in same 90 degree fashion
Sets/Reps: 1×5 each side
Coaching Points: Keep your chest and shoulders on the ground // Squeeze your feet together // Slowly control your legs // Avoid flopping your feet on the ground—use only a quick touch
Scorpion Kicks
• Lie flat on stomach with arms extended out to side in “T” formation
• Lift right leg off ground toward left hand; return to start position
• Lift left leg off ground toward right hand; return to start position
Sets/Reps: 2×5 each leg
Adaptation: If “T” position is too difficult, drop arms to 45 degree angle from shoulders
Coaching Points: Avoid stretching to the point of pain, especially in your lower back region // Always keep your back flat on the ground // Don’t rush each rep // Watch foot into hand while you’re turning over
• Lie on back with legs extended, feet together and arm raised above head
• Bring right hand to meet left foot at center of body just above belly button; return to start position
• Bring left hand to meet right foot at center of body just above belly button; return to start position
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each side
Coaching Points: Keep legs and arms as straight as possible // Drive your opposite hand and heel [the ones not lifting up] against the ground // Use your scapula [shoulder] muscle to lift your arm
Whether you’re driving the lane or raining 3s, do it in the latest and greatest basketball shoes and basketball clothing.