Test Fee Waivers
Are you a high school junior or senior who can’t afford ACT or SAT fees? You may be eligible to have them waived.
The ACT waiver can cover the registration fee for the ACT [without writing] or the ACT Plus Writing, including the cost of sending a copy of your scores to your high school and up to four colleges of your choice. To be eligible for an ACT fee waiver, you must meet one of the following:
• Your family receives public assistance
• You are a ward of the state, meaning you’re placed under the protection of a legal guardian by a court that takes responsibility for your legal protection
• You reside in a foster home
• You are homeless
• You participate in the free or reduced-price lunch program at school
• You participate in a federally funded TRIO program [e.g., Upward Bound] • Your total family income is at or below the maximum amounts established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Low Standard Budget
• Fee waivers are available only to currently enrolled high school juniors or seniors.
• Students may use no more than two fee waivers.
• A waiver is used once the student registers, even if s/he does not take the test on the requested test date.
• A fee waiver request must be submitted on an official ACT form and must be signed by both the student and a school/agency official.
• Waivers are valid through Aug. 31 each year.
SAT fee waivers cover the basic test fees for SAT and SAT Subject Tests, plus four score reports.
To qualify for the SAT fee waiver, you must be a high school student with U.S. citizenship who meets the financial eligibility guidelines, such as participating in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch/National School Lunch program at your school. Additionally, if you use the SAT fee waiver, you are eligible to receive up to four Request for Waiver of College Application Fee forms. Only your guidance counselor can grant the SAT fee waiver.
Check out the Recruiting Channel at STACK TV.
Test Fee Waivers
Are you a high school junior or senior who can’t afford ACT or SAT fees? You may be eligible to have them waived.
The ACT waiver can cover the registration fee for the ACT [without writing] or the ACT Plus Writing, including the cost of sending a copy of your scores to your high school and up to four colleges of your choice. To be eligible for an ACT fee waiver, you must meet one of the following:
• Your family receives public assistance
• You are a ward of the state, meaning you’re placed under the protection of a legal guardian by a court that takes responsibility for your legal protection
• You reside in a foster home
• You are homeless
• You participate in the free or reduced-price lunch program at school
• You participate in a federally funded TRIO program [e.g., Upward Bound] • Your total family income is at or below the maximum amounts established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Low Standard Budget
• Fee waivers are available only to currently enrolled high school juniors or seniors.
• Students may use no more than two fee waivers.
• A waiver is used once the student registers, even if s/he does not take the test on the requested test date.
• A fee waiver request must be submitted on an official ACT form and must be signed by both the student and a school/agency official.
• Waivers are valid through Aug. 31 each year.
SAT fee waivers cover the basic test fees for SAT and SAT Subject Tests, plus four score reports.
To qualify for the SAT fee waiver, you must be a high school student with U.S. citizenship who meets the financial eligibility guidelines, such as participating in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch/National School Lunch program at your school. Additionally, if you use the SAT fee waiver, you are eligible to receive up to four Request for Waiver of College Application Fee forms. Only your guidance counselor can grant the SAT fee waiver.
Check out the Recruiting Channel at STACK TV.
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