The All Blacks unite
By Josh Staph
How do you get in your opponents’ heads? Take a page from New Zealand’s national rugby team, the All Blacks, and unite.
Before significant matches, the All Blacks perform the Maori Haka—an old school war dance from centuries ago that demonstrates strength and valor, and taunts the enemy.
An All Black—usually of Maori descent—initiates the chant and calls on the rest of the team to follow. In unison, the players pound their chests, stomp their feet and chant while facing their opponents at midfield.
The end result? A unified team in straight-up warrior mode.
Kapo O Pango Haka:
Kapa o pango kia whakawhenua au i ahau
Hi aue, hi!
Ko Aotearoa e ngunguru nei!
Au, au, aue ha!
Ko Kapa o Pango e ngunguru nei!
Au, au, aue ha!
Let me become one with the land
This is our land that rumbles
And it’s my time! It’s my moment!
This defines us as All Blacks
It’s my time! It’s my moment!
The All Blacks unite
By Josh Staph
How do you get in your opponents’ heads? Take a page from New Zealand’s national rugby team, the All Blacks, and unite.
Before significant matches, the All Blacks perform the Maori Haka—an old school war dance from centuries ago that demonstrates strength and valor, and taunts the enemy.
An All Black—usually of Maori descent—initiates the chant and calls on the rest of the team to follow. In unison, the players pound their chests, stomp their feet and chant while facing their opponents at midfield.
The end result? A unified team in straight-up warrior mode.
Kapo O Pango Haka:
Kapa o pango kia whakawhenua au i ahau
Hi aue, hi!
Ko Aotearoa e ngunguru nei!
Au, au, aue ha!
Ko Kapa o Pango e ngunguru nei!
Au, au, aue ha!
Let me become one with the land
This is our land that rumbles
And it’s my time! It’s my moment!
This defines us as All Blacks
It’s my time! It’s my moment!