The Avocado Milkshake
The avocado is the greatest fruit that has ever fallen from the tree and is an essential fruit to put into your diet.
From living in Brazil, I have learned that avocado is not just guacamole. You can blend it into a milkshake! But, for 90% of the population who may not like raw avocado, you will love the milkshake.
The avocado will supercharge your energy, boost your health, enhance your immune system, make weight loss easy, and give a power-packed energy punch to your workouts to train longer. However, what’s most important is the unmatched benefits it has on your health. It is extremely nutrient-dense. And by adding a scoop of protein, you will boost the milkshake’s power.
Potassium is very important, especially if you exercise. A lot of potassium is lost through sweating. It is an important electrolyte that maintains the body’s pH balance and blood pressure as well as preserves bone and regulates muscular contractions and nerve impulses.
The daily-recommended intake of potassium is 4.7 grams a day. Although the number may seem high, it is not so difficult to reach.
- 100 grams of avocado is .351g of potassium.
- 1 tablespoon of chia is .02g of potassium.
- 2 cups of 1% milk have .834 grams of potassium (Some kinds of milk and soy milks are lower in grams of potassium).
The total potassium in the milkshake is 1.2 grams. Add a banana and yogurt throughout your day, and you are just about halfway there.
Healthy Fat
This is where the avocado rocks! Out of the total serving size of 100 grams, the avocado has:
- 10g is monounsaturated fat.
- 1.8g are polyunsaturated.
- 2.1g is saturated.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are healthy fats that significantly reduce cholesterol, blood triglycerides, LDL- the bad cholesterol, and increase HDL- the good cholesterol. Although saturated fat is seen as harmful for the body, it is only when the intake is excessive. However, trans fats are the real problem because they increase LDL’s and triglycerides and lower HDL’s.
Saturated fat has numerous health benefits:
- It reduces the level of lipoprotein that is associated with heart disease.
- It helps build stronger bones because calcium needs saturated fat for absorption.
- It protects the liver, improves the lung’s respiratory function, strengthens the immune system, enhances nerve transmission, and is good for brain function.
To be safe, follow the recommended daily allowance of saturated fat, consuming no more than about 20 grams per day. The AHA recommends 6% of saturated fat a day based on the consumption of 2000 calories. That equates to 12 grams of fat a day, and 3000 calories would be 18g a day.
Bioavailability for Fat-Soluble Vitamins
When it comes to Vitamin A, D, E, and K, these vitamins need fats to be absorbed into cells, and the avocado has the fat power to do it.
Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids
Understanding how Omega-3 and Omega-6 work is a balancing act to get its powerful benefits. Omega-3 and Omega-6 work best in a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio because they use the same enzyme pathway. Using the same enzyme pathway means they compete for this pathway to function, so the excessive intake of Omega-6 inhibits Omega-3 because of availability. And, when there is a higher concentration of Omega-6 or any substance, the receptors create more affinity for that substance. The importance of the balanced ratio is to keep an affinity for both.
Benefits of Omega-3
Omega 3 is an excellent source to prevent heart disease. It reduces triglycerides by up to about 30%, increases HDL’s (good cholesterol), prevents plaque and blood clots from developing in the arteries. It also is great to impede other inflammatory diseases like cancer by eliminating free radicals and Type 1 and 2 Diabetes by balancing blood sugar.
Omega-3 is pivotal in developing the central nervous system and the brain by strengthening their nerve signaling along synapses, resulting in better memory and mood.
Benefits of Omega-6
Omega-6 regulates blood pressure, metabolism, and blood clots. It strengthens the immune system, produces proper brain function, and maintains bone. Omega-6, like Omega-3, is important in regulating inflammation, producing anti-inflammatory responses.
Not All Omega-6 is Created Equal
There are two ways to get Omega-6: from seeds, fruits, and plants- the good ones. The other way, and most consumed, are from refined oils, margarine, and processed foods- the bad ones.
Omega-6 turns bad when it is treated by heat during the manufacturing and cooking process when preparing food. Heat oxides deform and fragments Omega-6, producing inflammation and free radicals in your body. Also, heat and oxidation destroy other minerals inside the food that support and protect Omega-6. When other minerals like magnesium, zinc, Vitamin C, B3, and B6 are present, they help convert and protect Omega-6 qualities. Omega-6 from seeds, fruits, and plants do not produce inflammation and produce anti-inflammatory responses because they are not treated with heat. The good Omega-6 will have an anti-inflammatory effect like Omega-3.
The real problem society faces concerning Omega-6 is excessive consumption, eating the bad sources that cause inflammation and disease. People are consuming about 15-25 times more than needed, extremely offsetting the ratio of 2:1 or 1:1, and the reason O6 gets a bad rap. On the other hand, people are not consuming enough Omega-3 for balance.
The milkshake will help you get the natural Omega 3 and 6 because avocados have both. Avocado is much higher in Omega-6, with 1.7g than Omega-3, having .17g, respectively, in 100 grams.
If you add one tablespoon of chia, you will add about 2.1g of Omega-3 and .7g of Omega-6. Chia seeds have numerous health benefits as well to power-up the milkshake.
You will add a high amount of Omega-3 from chia that balances the Omega-6 in the avocado milkshake to almost a 1:1 ratio- 2.3g Omega-3 and 2.4g Omega-6. Remember, the key is balance in the ratio of 2 or 1 to 1. The recommended intake of Omega 3 or 6 is no more than 3g per day.
As we all know, fiber is needed to control blood sugar from spiking and reduces the risks of other diseases. 25% of the avocado is soluble fiber. Soluble fiber slows digestion in your stomach, making you feel full, helping with weight control. You will feel the difference instantly. You will feel more energetic and less tired throughout your day.
To affect LDL’S, you need to eat more than 10 grams of soluble fiber a day.
The rest of the avocado is 75% insoluble. Insoluble fiber is healthy for your intestinal tract.
- 100g of the avocado is 5.6 grams of fiber.
- 1 tablespoon of chia is 4g of fiber.
Natural Anti-Inflammatory
The avocado contains high amounts of antioxidants and phytonutrients that prevent oxidative damage and free radicals- cells that mutate and produce cellular damage leading to cancer. They also reduce the inflammation in arthritis and osteoarthritis and prevent inflammation for disorders like colitis and degenerative diseases that affect the brain and heart. Furthermore, it is great to drink post-exercise and training to reduce muscular inflammation too.
Curbs the appetite for weight loss.
The milkshake prevents you from eating junk food by stabilizing your metabolism for 3 to 5 hours, meaning you don’t need or feel the need to eat every 3 hours. You will feel full longer. Although you may not be trying or need to lose weight, the avocado milkshake will help you dramatically if it’s your goal. It is a great stabilizer for blood sugar.
The Avocado Milkshake Recipe
- Take 100g of Florida-grown avocado. Add to the blender.
- Add 2-3 cups of regular milk or soy milk, both taste very good, but it is your choice. You can add more or less milk. It is up to you.
- After adding the milk, add sugar for taste. I use 2-3 tablespoons, but you have to add the amount according to your taste. If you use sweetened soy milk, like vanilla, you will add less sugar.
- Add a scoop of vanilla protein powder (optional).
- After adding the sugar, add one tablespoon of chia seeds.
- Blend.
The Avocado Milkshake
The avocado is the greatest fruit that has ever fallen from the tree and is an essential fruit to put into your diet.
From living in Brazil, I have learned that avocado is not just guacamole. You can blend it into a milkshake! But, for 90% of the population who may not like raw avocado, you will love the milkshake.
The avocado will supercharge your energy, boost your health, enhance your immune system, make weight loss easy, and give a power-packed energy punch to your workouts to train longer. However, what’s most important is the unmatched benefits it has on your health. It is extremely nutrient-dense. And by adding a scoop of protein, you will boost the milkshake’s power.
Potassium is very important, especially if you exercise. A lot of potassium is lost through sweating. It is an important electrolyte that maintains the body’s pH balance and blood pressure as well as preserves bone and regulates muscular contractions and nerve impulses.
The daily-recommended intake of potassium is 4.7 grams a day. Although the number may seem high, it is not so difficult to reach.
- 100 grams of avocado is .351g of potassium.
- 1 tablespoon of chia is .02g of potassium.
- 2 cups of 1% milk have .834 grams of potassium (Some kinds of milk and soy milks are lower in grams of potassium).
The total potassium in the milkshake is 1.2 grams. Add a banana and yogurt throughout your day, and you are just about halfway there.
Healthy Fat
This is where the avocado rocks! Out of the total serving size of 100 grams, the avocado has:
- 10g is monounsaturated fat.
- 1.8g are polyunsaturated.
- 2.1g is saturated.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are healthy fats that significantly reduce cholesterol, blood triglycerides, LDL- the bad cholesterol, and increase HDL- the good cholesterol. Although saturated fat is seen as harmful for the body, it is only when the intake is excessive. However, trans fats are the real problem because they increase LDL’s and triglycerides and lower HDL’s.
Saturated fat has numerous health benefits:
- It reduces the level of lipoprotein that is associated with heart disease.
- It helps build stronger bones because calcium needs saturated fat for absorption.
- It protects the liver, improves the lung’s respiratory function, strengthens the immune system, enhances nerve transmission, and is good for brain function.
To be safe, follow the recommended daily allowance of saturated fat, consuming no more than about 20 grams per day. The AHA recommends 6% of saturated fat a day based on the consumption of 2000 calories. That equates to 12 grams of fat a day, and 3000 calories would be 18g a day.
Bioavailability for Fat-Soluble Vitamins
When it comes to Vitamin A, D, E, and K, these vitamins need fats to be absorbed into cells, and the avocado has the fat power to do it.
Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids
Understanding how Omega-3 and Omega-6 work is a balancing act to get its powerful benefits. Omega-3 and Omega-6 work best in a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio because they use the same enzyme pathway. Using the same enzyme pathway means they compete for this pathway to function, so the excessive intake of Omega-6 inhibits Omega-3 because of availability. And, when there is a higher concentration of Omega-6 or any substance, the receptors create more affinity for that substance. The importance of the balanced ratio is to keep an affinity for both.
Benefits of Omega-3
Omega 3 is an excellent source to prevent heart disease. It reduces triglycerides by up to about 30%, increases HDL’s (good cholesterol), prevents plaque and blood clots from developing in the arteries. It also is great to impede other inflammatory diseases like cancer by eliminating free radicals and Type 1 and 2 Diabetes by balancing blood sugar.
Omega-3 is pivotal in developing the central nervous system and the brain by strengthening their nerve signaling along synapses, resulting in better memory and mood.
Benefits of Omega-6
Omega-6 regulates blood pressure, metabolism, and blood clots. It strengthens the immune system, produces proper brain function, and maintains bone. Omega-6, like Omega-3, is important in regulating inflammation, producing anti-inflammatory responses.
Not All Omega-6 is Created Equal
There are two ways to get Omega-6: from seeds, fruits, and plants- the good ones. The other way, and most consumed, are from refined oils, margarine, and processed foods- the bad ones.
Omega-6 turns bad when it is treated by heat during the manufacturing and cooking process when preparing food. Heat oxides deform and fragments Omega-6, producing inflammation and free radicals in your body. Also, heat and oxidation destroy other minerals inside the food that support and protect Omega-6. When other minerals like magnesium, zinc, Vitamin C, B3, and B6 are present, they help convert and protect Omega-6 qualities. Omega-6 from seeds, fruits, and plants do not produce inflammation and produce anti-inflammatory responses because they are not treated with heat. The good Omega-6 will have an anti-inflammatory effect like Omega-3.
The real problem society faces concerning Omega-6 is excessive consumption, eating the bad sources that cause inflammation and disease. People are consuming about 15-25 times more than needed, extremely offsetting the ratio of 2:1 or 1:1, and the reason O6 gets a bad rap. On the other hand, people are not consuming enough Omega-3 for balance.
The milkshake will help you get the natural Omega 3 and 6 because avocados have both. Avocado is much higher in Omega-6, with 1.7g than Omega-3, having .17g, respectively, in 100 grams.
If you add one tablespoon of chia, you will add about 2.1g of Omega-3 and .7g of Omega-6. Chia seeds have numerous health benefits as well to power-up the milkshake.
You will add a high amount of Omega-3 from chia that balances the Omega-6 in the avocado milkshake to almost a 1:1 ratio- 2.3g Omega-3 and 2.4g Omega-6. Remember, the key is balance in the ratio of 2 or 1 to 1. The recommended intake of Omega 3 or 6 is no more than 3g per day.
As we all know, fiber is needed to control blood sugar from spiking and reduces the risks of other diseases. 25% of the avocado is soluble fiber. Soluble fiber slows digestion in your stomach, making you feel full, helping with weight control. You will feel the difference instantly. You will feel more energetic and less tired throughout your day.
To affect LDL’S, you need to eat more than 10 grams of soluble fiber a day.
The rest of the avocado is 75% insoluble. Insoluble fiber is healthy for your intestinal tract.
- 100g of the avocado is 5.6 grams of fiber.
- 1 tablespoon of chia is 4g of fiber.
Natural Anti-Inflammatory
The avocado contains high amounts of antioxidants and phytonutrients that prevent oxidative damage and free radicals- cells that mutate and produce cellular damage leading to cancer. They also reduce the inflammation in arthritis and osteoarthritis and prevent inflammation for disorders like colitis and degenerative diseases that affect the brain and heart. Furthermore, it is great to drink post-exercise and training to reduce muscular inflammation too.
Curbs the appetite for weight loss.
The milkshake prevents you from eating junk food by stabilizing your metabolism for 3 to 5 hours, meaning you don’t need or feel the need to eat every 3 hours. You will feel full longer. Although you may not be trying or need to lose weight, the avocado milkshake will help you dramatically if it’s your goal. It is a great stabilizer for blood sugar.
The Avocado Milkshake Recipe
- Take 100g of Florida-grown avocado. Add to the blender.
- Add 2-3 cups of regular milk or soy milk, both taste very good, but it is your choice. You can add more or less milk. It is up to you.
- After adding the milk, add sugar for taste. I use 2-3 tablespoons, but you have to add the amount according to your taste. If you use sweetened soy milk, like vanilla, you will add less sugar.
- Add a scoop of vanilla protein powder (optional).
- After adding the sugar, add one tablespoon of chia seeds.
- Blend.