For some people, running a marathon is an epic challenge. For others, it’s the realization of a lifelong dream. But for a growing number of committed runmaniacs, 26.2 miles is just not enough.
For those who like to go long—really long—there are ultramarathons. According to a post by Bethany Gumper on DICK’s Sporting Goods “453 and a Half” blog, the number of ultras has quadrupled in the past decade. Ultramarathons come in many forms, from the 50K—a roughly 31-mile race, the shortest distance officially recognized as an ultra—up to 100 miles or more. What drives people to go to such lengths? “It’s really cool to realize that you can go farther than you think,” says Eddy Lentz, a 46-year-old marketing manager in Portland, Oregon. Lentz recently ran the Forest Park 50K in Portland; and he and others—including the winner of a recent Chilean ultra—share their experiences in DICK’s blog post, which also offers helpful advice about the proper footwear for taking on long distances.
Check out “When the Marathon is Not Enough: The Rise of Ultra Running” to learn more.
For some people, running a marathon is an epic challenge. For others, it’s the realization of a lifelong dream. But for a growing number of committed runmaniacs, 26.2 miles is just not enough.
For those who like to go long—really long—there are ultramarathons. According to a post by Bethany Gumper on DICK’s Sporting Goods “453 and a Half” blog, the number of ultras has quadrupled in the past decade. Ultramarathons come in many forms, from the 50K—a roughly 31-mile race, the shortest distance officially recognized as an ultra—up to 100 miles or more. What drives people to go to such lengths? “It’s really cool to realize that you can go farther than you think,” says Eddy Lentz, a 46-year-old marketing manager in Portland, Oregon. Lentz recently ran the Forest Park 50K in Portland; and he and others—including the winner of a recent Chilean ultra—share their experiences in DICK’s blog post, which also offers helpful advice about the proper footwear for taking on long distances.
Check out “When the Marathon is Not Enough: The Rise of Ultra Running” to learn more.