Training and Nutrition Tips for the Holidays
With the holidays upon us, staying inside to avoid the cold and packing down cookies are attractive options. But remember, your free time presents a great opportunity to continue your training. Whether you hit up your local gym or perform a workout on the road, don’t pass up the chance to make yourself better. Here are some guidelines for the holidays:
- If you’re mid-season in your sport, you probably have practice or games over break. Time spent in the weight room should be devoted to maintaining strength rather than busting out new personal records. This will keep your body in optimal shape for the second half of the season.
- During the holidays, it’s hard to resist foods loaded with sugar and fat. The key is to enjoy these treats in moderation. Once the holidays are over, get right back into your nutrition routine.
- Traveling usually presents opportunities for workouts that, although quick, can effectively challenge your body. Perform bodyweight exercises—such as Push-Ups, Squats and Lunges—and use easy-to-pack training equipment—such as TRX bands, jump ropes and foam rollers—to add variety. [Check out the STACK ATTACK App for a workout you can do anywhere—even in grandma’s basement.]
- Workout goals are popular New Year’s resolutions, but keep them realistic. Instead of resolving to gain or lose 20 pounds in two months, promise yourself to train consistently three to four times per week and always give your best effort. This will help you reach your goals more quickly while reducing the chances of getting discouraged.
Photo: Stan Honda/Getty Images
Training and Nutrition Tips for the Holidays
With the holidays upon us, staying inside to avoid the cold and packing down cookies are attractive options. But remember, your free time presents a great opportunity to continue your training. Whether you hit up your local gym or perform a workout on the road, don’t pass up the chance to make yourself better. Here are some guidelines for the holidays:
- If you’re mid-season in your sport, you probably have practice or games over break. Time spent in the weight room should be devoted to maintaining strength rather than busting out new personal records. This will keep your body in optimal shape for the second half of the season.
- During the holidays, it’s hard to resist foods loaded with sugar and fat. The key is to enjoy these treats in moderation. Once the holidays are over, get right back into your nutrition routine.
- Traveling usually presents opportunities for workouts that, although quick, can effectively challenge your body. Perform bodyweight exercises—such as Push-Ups, Squats and Lunges—and use easy-to-pack training equipment—such as TRX bands, jump ropes and foam rollers—to add variety. [Check out the STACK ATTACK App for a workout you can do anywhere—even in grandma’s basement.]
- Workout goals are popular New Year’s resolutions, but keep them realistic. Instead of resolving to gain or lose 20 pounds in two months, promise yourself to train consistently three to four times per week and always give your best effort. This will help you reach your goals more quickly while reducing the chances of getting discouraged.
Photo: Stan Honda/Getty Images